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Sandwich of the Month

Hey y'all. A recent discussion with THP about Cuban sandwich's in another thread has inspired me to begin this thread.

What is a sandwich? According to wiki...


I myself shall endeavor to post a Sandwich of the Month for every month. This month I tip my hat to one of my favorite sandwiches, The Cuban.

While I encourage y'all to post up your Cuban for SOTM, for the sake of popularizing the thread, feel free to post your sandwich. Be it BLT, turkey sub, gyro, po'boy, etc.

Some rules.

1 ~ Meet the criteria as linked above according to wiki.

2 ~ True, burgers are sandwiches but as we have other threads devoted to them, we will not include them here in this thread. No burgers.

3 ~ List ingredients and methods of how the sandwich was put together.

4 ~ No matter if it is a classic reuben or tuna salad, include a heat ingredient.

5 ~ Pics are mandatory. Talk is cheap. Show us the money!

6 ~ No tortillas. We have taco threads already, and that also means no stinkin' "wraps".

7 ~ Have fun.

I'll post up my sandwich shortly.

Bon appetit!
Which is weird because they mostly eat plants and algea.

...and poo. SOME of the farm raised are raised in the same ponds as catfish etc. and they feed off of the other fish's waste. But most farm raised in USA are raised on feed in ponds with no other fish. Tilapia is tasty. Get the non-imported.
Tilapia is a very mild fish, my wife's favorite. I dont much care for after I saw the "dirty jobs" episode of how they farm raise tilapia. THP is right POO EATERS!! :sick:

: hocks up a big loogey and spits on the ground :

Its a turd that swims.

I don't know how it got into this country but somebody found out that it'll eat anything. Next thang ya' know people are putting it in their ponds to clean up all the weeds and scum. Then knuckleheads at nuclear power plants thought it a good idea to use tilapia to keep their cooling ponds free of weeds and crap from getting in their intake pipes. And unlike many fish, tilapia isn't a good source of omega-3 fatty acids. Instead its loaded with omega-6, the bad cholesterol crap. Some would say that its more healthy to eat bacon rather than tilapia.

I've been a long time advocate of farmed fish if done properly but this is one fish that gets the finger from me. I avoid any restaurant that has it on the menu. The only reason it sells is because its dirt cheap and people don't know what they're paying for. You might as well be buying my dirty skid marked underwear, which is probably a better choice anyway.

Just say no to tilapia.

You're better off doing drugs.

True story.
Dogs will eat anything too but you still love Missy Lou.

Wait. Didn't you eat out of her bowl trash mouth? :lol:
hmmm.....think I'll stick with my cod!
But thanks everyone for the 411!!!!!

I had to chuckle - with all the 'fertilizer' around my plants - I guess my veggies eat poo too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Any thoughts on October's SOTM TB? :D
Dogs will eat anything too but you still love Missy Lou.

Wait. Didn't you eat out of her bowl trash mouth? :lol:

I fart in your general direction for talking smack about missylou.

No Scooby snacks for you!

And eating out of her bowl is way more healthy than eating tilapia.

Do New Yorker's even have dogs?

They're probably just big barking rats anyway.
I'm picky about fish. I can tolerate Catfish, but Most freshwater stuff tastes like mudd.
Cold, deep, saltwater fish is where it's at for me.

TB, they got professional dog walkers in New York City. People livin in a 5' X 7' apartment, workin on Wall street think it's cool to have someone else walk their St. Bernard's and Weimeraners.

what kind of Doggie you have THP? a Pomeranian? nah... a Chijauja named Tuffy, I just know it.
Any thoughts on October's SOTM TB? :D

I dunno'.

I've got 2 sammich's that keep rolling around in my noggin' like dice on a Vegas crap table.

A reuben or a BLT.

The BLT sounds pretty simplistic but I reckon it opens up many doors to interpretation.

I can picture GM posting a BLT that has a fried green tomato, arugula, and prosciutto.

Talk amongst yourselves and y'all decide.
Yes, this was the "Is it a melt or a grilled cheese sandwich?" discussion. I think it's basically anything you want that has been grilled until oozy goozey cheese runs down the side.