organic Salsalady's Organic Insecticide?

Is this the same stuff CAPCOM is promoting "Guardian". I have been meaning to write a review on that. I can tell you if it is it works great on aphids, but has little effect on thrips. But as an Aphid killer and deterrent it is excellent. I found every time the product was washed off by heavy rain the aphids almost returned immediately.
As long as I had no rain the product seemed to continue to have a long residual effect. Also it seemed extremly safe to use as it never burned or damaged any of my plants. As an oil base I was very concerned about that in So Cal sun, but it proved to be very safe no matter how thick I doused my plants. It also smells nice.  I only wished it worked as well on my Thrips. If it did I would be all in on this one.
The only thing I have found so far to help with the Thrips is the occasional power spray, thus washing off the "Guardian" and sacrificing several buds. I received a generous sample to use from CAPCOM's friend, but I never did get a price on it. I can see where a indoor grower could get some benefit from this product as it would probably only take one application. 
I haven't heard anything.  I'll have to go back and see who got samples.
SL3 said:
Is this the same stuff CAPCOM is promoting "Guardian". I have been meaning to write a review on that. I can tell you if it is it works great on aphids, but has little effect on thrips. But as an Aphid killer and deterrent it is excellent. I found every time the product was washed off by heavy rain the aphids almost returned immediately.
As long as I had no rain the product seemed to continue to have a long residual effect. Also it seemed extremly safe to use as it never burned or damaged any of my plants. As an oil base I was very concerned about that in So Cal sun, but it proved to be very safe no matter how thick I doused my plants. It also smells nice.  I only wished it worked as well on my Thrips. If it did I would be all in on this one.
The only thing I have found so far to help with the Thrips is the occasional power spray, thus washing off the "Guardian" and sacrificing several buds. I received a generous sample to use from CAPCOM's friend, but I never did get a price on it. I can see where a indoor grower could get some benefit from this product as it would probably only take one application. 
IMO nothing is harder to kill or get rid of than thrips. There is only one thing I've seen that is highly effective on them. Its a commercial pesticide called "CONTROL" Its by no means organic, but they use it on produce. It can be hard to find but any hydro shop worth its salt can get it. I turned my local hydro shop on to it and it sells like hotcakes. They rebottle it in single use viles (makes 1 gallon) Kinda of a grey market thing. Have I used it on peppers? No I haven't, thus every year I have major thrip problems I am really reconsidering using it next year.   :shh:
Sorry for the highjack, OP
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