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Recently made (yet another) seed order from White Hot Peppers and received quite a few bonus seed packs. Among them was BBG7 Roughrider Chocolate. The only place I've seen this for sale is Texas Hot Peppers, but there is no description there. Curious about this pepper. Anyone have more info about this variety?
stringer said:
Recently made (yet another) seed order from White Hot Peppers and received quite a few bonus seed packs. Among them was BBG7 Roughrider Chocolate. The only place I've seen this for sale is Texas Hot Peppers, but there is no description there. Curious about this pepper. Anyone have more info about this variety?
First heard but you got my attention anything BBG7... 
stringer said:
Recently made (yet another) seed order from White Hot Peppers and received quite a few bonus seed packs. Among them was BBG7 Roughrider Chocolate. The only place I've seen this for sale is Texas Hot Peppers, but there is no description there. Curious about this pepper. Anyone have more info about this variety?
no picture? no description? My immediate thought is that perhaps the cross is still unstable and results will vary. With that said, the Stay Green Gene is is recessive so at least that much should remain true if no outcrossing occurred.
Variegation, another recessive trait like the Stay Green Gene, will always be 100% in the offspring once it has reared its head so long as the seed is collected from the same plant that first expressed it in a homozygous state... i.e. you can see the trait.
stringer said:
It is not on WHP website. THP has a picture but no description:
I highly doubt this is variegated.
Perhaps this is a strain of BBG7 Chocolate selected for bumpiness, but it doesn't appear to have a bleeding calyx.
If it was stable, I think there would be more info out there.
I see a picture of the fruit and a quarter for a size comparison. That would be cool if it was variegated.
Where did you hear it might be variegated?
For the record, I've only seen one variegated ghost pepper in person, this was not it.
This is the first I've heard of this one 