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media Roots coming through Jiffy pellets already. When to pot up?

I started 72 various peppers and eggplants in small jiffy pellets 14 days ago. So far they're all looking great, no leggy plants, no damping off, and nearly 100% germination. I'm going to have to go through the sad massacre of 50% of the sprouts, as I planted 2 in each pellet and only a couple haven't germinated. Unless I can separate the seedlings at transplanting? Let me know if anyone here has successfully separated plants in pellets, and I'd love to hear any tips for separating them if you have any.
Anyhow, I noticed that roots were already coming through the bottom of the pellets about 2 days after the seedlings were fully upright with cotyledons open. It has been about 7 days since the first plants came up and now there are 5-6 roots either just poking through the mesh or coming through the mesh by a centimeter or two. None of the plants have true leaves yet, although the oldest ones have tiny leaf buds forming as of today.
Is it too early to pot up? I thought you were supposed to wait until the plants had 1-2 sets of true leaves, but I'm worried more damage will be done to the roots when removing the mesh if I wait longer to transplant. I'm going to use tall 9 ounce party cups as the next size up, then I'll probably pot up once or twice more depending on how the plants do. I'm already way more thrilled with the peat pellets than the coconut coir I used last year, which molded horribly for some reason.
The plants will be fine if you leave them in there awhile longer. I don't pot up till the second set of true leaves are spread out good. My plugs have roots poking out of them by this time and they don't mind the little root pruning one bit and bounce back within a day. The plugs that have two growing in them should be separated once they grow the first set of true leaves. It's not hard to separate them just mist them with a water bottle when pulling them apart to help loosen the dirt as you go.
Maybe someone can explain to me why I should wait for "true leaves" before potting up? A lot of people seem to do this, without explanation. I don't know about other growers, but, my seedlings won't get good light until they are potted/Solo cupped, so, I don't delay potting them up. Any good reasons why I should? Thanks.
Roguejim said:
Maybe someone can explain to me why I should wait for "true leaves" before potting up? A lot of people seem to do this, without explanation. I don't know about other growers, but, my seedlings won't get good light until they are potted/Solo cupped, somI don't delay potting them up. Any good reasons why I should? Thanks.
My seedlings get good light as soon as they break the surface. The stems are white at first and turn green as soon as you put them under lights. I think they grow faster. I think it's cause the plant is a little stronger with 2 sets of true leaves vs just the cotyledons. Kind of like hardening them off. They also get more air to the roots. Those would be the reasons I would suspect.
Sm1nts2escape said:
My seedlings get good light as soon as they break the surface. The stems are white at first and turn green as soon as you put them under lights. I think they grow faster. I think it's cause the plant is a little stronger with 2 sets of true leaves vs just the cotyledons. Kind of like hardening them off. They also get more air to the roots. Those would be the reasons I would suspect.
Thank you.
I know this is pretty much done, but thought I'd throw this up for reference - I broke mine up when they were about this big (well, 1 day later), one set of true leaves and only immature trues at that :

There were 2 to 3 in each, roots coming out the sides into the mesh.
I reckon - don't cull them! I may have been lucky, but all mine survived - even the triple-seeded jiffy pots. They were in the big jiffy pots - 3" I think - and were fine. A little root damage, but bounced with no issues. I really soaked them just beforehand so the jiffy was easy to peel apart (much like misting them, as Sm1nts2escape said - misting might be a better idea, come to think of it...).
Check out my glog for more pics, if you like - http://thehotpepper.com/topic/45510-a-new-grower-with-a-small-grow-under-leds/