
Hey guys here are some cool Rocoto breeds we are developing 
Desert Cherry (PL)
An exclusive breed of small, very hot, very juicy and yellow cherry developed mainly for hot dry climate. Very prolific huge plant 

Rocoto Mango (PL)
Another exclusive breed of rocoto, very aromatic and fruity, hot variety does well in hot climates  one of the best for 2017 homemade hot sauce, it has natural sweet mango like state. 

Red Mini Pear  (PL)
Another  sweet rocoto variety we created for those who enjoy eating fresh sweet and medium hot peppers. 

Rocoto Pine (PL)
Cool looking uniformed, slender, smooth, looking like pine nut very sweet variety with low heat levels. 

Desert Cherry, Mini Pear, Mango, Pine. 

What's up with the seeds on the Red Mini Pear? I thought all rocotos, and pubescens had black seeds. Is that some sort of pubescens cross? I thought those wouldn't cross with the other species.
Some Rocotos have lighter color seeds for some reason.  One example is Sukanya, the white flowered Rocoto strain.   They are not as straw colored as non-pubescens, but certainly a unique shade compared to the common Rocoto.
Jubnat said:
What's up with the seeds on the Red Mini Pear? I thought all rocotos, and pubescens had black seeds. Is that some sort of pubescens cross? I thought those wouldn't cross with the other species.
Do you have more infos about your new rocotos? There are a few new rocoto varieties on your homepage (Desert Apple, Desert Peach, Desert Red Cherry ...) but no infos, just a picture.
Jubnat said:
What's up with the seeds on the Red Mini Pear? I thought all rocotos, and pubescens had black seeds. Is that some sort of pubescens cross? I thought those wouldn't cross with the other species.

Black seeds is how you know you have rocoto's.
I'd like to hear people's results from trying to sprout rocoto's.
There's no other plant out there I can think of as giving abysmal germination results. I lost count how many times I've acquired various rocoto seeds from various sources and tried to sprout them in various quantities a few to a many, at every season in the Florida year, and just only had a couple total ever sprout which never took off from there. Where propagating rre odd perennials is what I'm expert grade at, where this is one above so many others I've always died to have big trees of overgrowing my existence but just never ever has....
Manzanos have black seeds too... Is basically a pubescens trait, right?

I lost all hope of growing the things once I saw the required temperature range for Manzano plants.
Last season I grew several varieties of pubes (Brown Rocotos, Rocoto Aji Largo, Red/Orange/Yellow Manzanos) and didn't really have any trouble with germination. Used rock-wool cubes, a seed starter tray, and a heater. The mature plants were robust ( sprawled like bushes ) but did take a little longer to produce mature fruit. And they made a bunch. Wound up with a freezer full of pods. Made the most flavorful pepper jelly and fermented sauce I've come up with yet.
Started seeds I collected from last year's crop using the same method and have 100% germination.
Crazy Monkey said:
Last season I grew several varieties of pubes (Brown Rocotos, Rocoto Aji Largo, Red/Orange/Yellow Manzanos) and didn't really have any trouble with germination. Used rock-wool cubes, a seed starter tray, and a heater. The mature plants were robust ( sprawled like bushes ) but did take a little longer to produce mature fruit. And they made a bunch. Wound up with a freezer full of pods. Made the most flavorful pepper jelly and fermented sauce I've come up with yet.
Started seeds I collected from last year's crop using the same method and have 100% germination.
They are my favorite peppers right up there with Scotch Bonnets. Perfect combination of heat and flavor.
Bicycle808 said:
Manzanos have black seeds too... Is basically a pubescens trait, right?

I lost all hope of growing the things once I saw the required temperature range for Manzano plants.

Many species have black seeds. C.pubescens are the only domesticated ones.

Don't pay attention to anything negative you read about growing them. Grow them! Just make sure you grow in containers. I would love to have these in your zone.