lighting Ripening Peppers inside under lights

Chile Pepper emergency! - Need help from experienced growers:
I just got home after a long day and as I always do when I walk in the door, I checked out my 2 outside plants that reside in 5 gallon paint buckets with soil.  They both got pretty beat up after a storm that must have been very windy.  My very tall Pimento De Neyde X Bhut Jolokia F7 had toppled over.  I am very worried about this happening again, because it is so tall and top heavy.
I know from experience that my floruscents output enough lumens to grow Chiles and produce some Peppers, but not a ton.  The Pimento De Neyde X Bhut Jolokia F7 has already podded up a ton.  If I bring it inside, will my floruscents (1 -  4 Bulb +5 hitting it from the top 1 single bulb T-5 hitting it form the side  -so far = 25,000 lumens +  (If I need to) a bunch of CFLs on the sides as well. be enough to ripen what looks like to be 40 + pods?  I hate taking it away from the sun, but I'm lucky that nothing was damaged and another storm can easily topple it over again.
Depending on pot size,I use Pomice instead of perlite in my potting soil.Lots heavier...
But I use 7 1/2(#15)-30Gal. pots.
Under your lights do your plants set pods?
I don't think light is much of a problem once pods set.
You still need enough light to let the plant stay happy though.
I use a Lux meter to measure light.35,000Lux is sunlight here.
I forget how to figure Lux,Lux is Lm. per meter.
Also it might depend on how bushy your plant is.
But I do think your pods will be fine.Light is uaually a problem for me only to get buds to set.
smokemaster said:
Depending on pot size,I use Pomice instead of perlite in my potting soil.Lots heavier...
But I use 7 1/2(#15)-30Gal. pots.
Under your lights do your plants set pods?
I don't think light is much of a problem once pods set.
You still need enough light to let the plant stay happy though.
I use a Lux meter to measure light.35,000Lux is sunlight here.
I forget how to figure Lux,Lux is Lm. per meter.
Also it might depend on how bushy your plant is.
But I do think your pods will be fine.Light is uaually a problem for me only to get buds to set.
The plants do set pods under lights, but not a lot.
keep them outside! you need three stakes per plant, 6 inches longer than the height of you planters. put them equally spaced around the planter, tight to the planter, and drive them into the ground until flush with top of container. container no longer tips over. It will be easier to make a mark where you'll drive each one, remove the container, drive the stakes in slightly angled toward the center of where the container would be, so when you put the container inside of them, it will be a snug fit.

dragon49 said:
Chile Pepper emergency! - Need help from experienced growers:
I just got home after a long day and as I always do when I walk in the door, I checked out my 2 outside plants that reside in 5 gallon paint buckets with soil.  They both got pretty beat up after a storm that must have been very windy.  My very tall Pimento De Neyde X Bhut Jolokia F7 had toppled over.  I am very worried about this happening again, because it is so tall and top heavy.
I know from experience that my floruscents output enough lumens to grow Chiles and produce some Peppers, but not a ton.  The Pimento De Neyde X Bhut Jolokia F7 has already podded up a ton.  If I bring it inside, will my floruscents (1 -  4 Bulb +5 hitting it from the top 1 single bulb T-5 hitting it form the side  -so far = 25,000 lumens +  (If I need to) a bunch of CFLs on the sides as well. be enough to ripen what looks like to be 40 + pods?  I hate taking it away from the sun, but I'm lucky that nothing was damaged and another storm can easily topple it over again.
keep them outside. IMO
chocolatescotchbonnet said:
keep them outside! you need three stakes per plant, 6 inches longer than the height of you planters. put them equally spaced around the planter, tight to the planter, and drive them into the ground until flush with top of container. container no longer tips over. It will be easier to make a mark where you'll drive each one, remove the container, drive the stakes in slightly angled toward the center of where the container would be, so when you put the container inside of them, it will be a snug fit.
Appreciate the advice - I'm going to need some damn thick stakes.   As a temporary measure, I tried using a wire hanger (already in the current shape to hang clothes on) as a stake to prop up the main stem which is tilted too far to one side. The stem was far too strong and just moved the hangar out of the way!  
I don't understand this advice at all:
It will be easier to make a mark where you'll drive each one, remove the container, drive the stakes in slightly angled toward the center of where the container would be, so when you put the container inside of them, it will be a snug fit."
Remove the container??
Also, are you suggesting that the peppers will not ripen inside under lights?
dragon49 said:
Appreciate the advice - I'm going to need some damn thick stakes.   As a temporary measure, I tried using a wire hanger (already in the current shape to hang clothes on) as a stake to prop up the main stem which is tilted too far to one side. The stem was far too strong and just moved the hangar out of the way!  
I don't understand this advice at all:
It will be easier to make a mark where you'll drive each one, remove the container, drive the stakes in slightly angled toward the center of where the container would be, so when you put the container inside of them, it will be a snug fit."
Remove the container??
Also, are you suggesting that the peppers will not ripen inside under lights?
i was saying to put stakes around your container so it won't tip. also, i did not know the pepper itself wasn't staked, that is a must with a large plant. 1x2 wood stakes can be bought at lowes or home depot, or if you have a saw, you could rip 2x4, but don't suggest if you have no carpenter skills.
chocolatescotchbonnet said:
i was saying to put stakes around your container so it won't tip. also, i did not know the pepper itself wasn't staked, that is a must with a large plant. 1x2 wood stakes can be bought at lowes or home depot, or if you have a saw, you could rip 2x4, but don't suggest if you have no carpenter skills.
Still appreciate your help and clarification, but the 5 gallon bucket is outside on a fire escape - No place to drive stakes into the ground.  I'll try to figure out how to affix it t to something - Maybe so kind of superglue to bond plastic to metal??
Yeah just strap it down with bungee cords or something..
Bamboo stakes are only like a buck at the store and tie it to the stake with some string or something.
Is there a place where you could put the thing on the ground and drive a chunk of rebar threw the potting soil, out the bottom and a foot or two into the yard?  Is what I do for plants that are going to come inside during the winter.  My lemon and lime trees go threw that every year.  To get the rebar back out, you gotta soak the ground but its not all that hard.
ajdrew said:
Is there a place where you could put the thing on the ground and drive a chunk of rebar threw the potting soil, out the bottom and a foot or two into the yard?  Is what I do for plants that are going to come inside during the winter.  My lemon and lime trees go threw that every year.  To get the rebar back out, you gotta soak the ground but its not all that hard.
No space, but thanks for the suggestion
juanitos said:
Yeah just strap it down with bungee cords or something..
Bamboo stakes are only like a buck at the store and tie it to the stake with some string or something.
Good idea, I'll try some way to rope it to one of the grates.
chocolatescotchbonnet said:
maybe tie it to the hand rail? you'll figure it out!
Best idea - will try.
Outside it is!
I bought a bunch of stakes, but they are useless, because they are thin and weak.  One of the workers in the florist was nice enough to give me a nice thick branch that he was about to cut and I used it as the main stake.
Follow-up question:
Should I stake a large section which is currently growing under and around a pole?  If I stake it, I'll pull it out from under and let it stand straight up and will stake it to the large stick.  Is it better to leave it as is, or straighten it out and stake it?
This pics is 2 weeks old, but is clearly shows the issue.  The section on the far side of the pole is 3x the size now.
Tie it to the pole the n tie a stake to the pole up higher and continue to tie the upper plant to the stake. I use 4-5 steaks per plant. I have no probe falling over. It's just a damn jungle over here.
Lovepeppers said:
Tie it to the pole the n tie a stake to the pole up higher and continue to tie the upper plant to the stake. I use 4-5 steaks per plant. I have no probe falling over. It's just a damn jungle over here.
I need to get some rope.  Unless I want to drill a hole in the top of the bucket, I need to completely wrap the rope around the circumstance of the bucket.