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Review: Naga Morich

Got this hot pepper from PRF, thanks cappy! Nice deep red color, nice firm texture, some nice seed count, and some oil slicks. Nice fruity taste, crunchy. Heat comes on pretty quick, mostly tongue and back of tongue. The heat is coming on pretty good now after a couple of minutes. :mouthonfire: :dance: Very nice heat after another minute or so. :hell: The mouth is on fire, runny nose, eye wants to water, and it does. I kinda gave up on this one the first 10-12 seconds, but this one is a winner. :beer:



Yeah a Naga Morich will put a man on his knees! Some years are better than others but this has been a very good year for this variety. They are one of my favorite peppers because when they produce, they produce in groves. They are on the top tier superhot level with a nice small plant size makes the Naga Morich the perfect plant for a compact garden wanting pure heat. :mouthonfire:
great review wasatch! i'm glad to hear you say how hot it is! this is my slowest variety this year even though the plants started out so fast but i've got 7 of these plants from refining fire chilis. his seeds have been impressive and if neil trusts jim duffy then i do to. i cant wait to try this strain. gonna do dorset in a day or 2 but i heard they are kind week. we shall see.
Nice review. I found the burn very similar to the way you describe. I wonder if anybody gets a throat burn from them or if it really is isolated to the mouth for the majority of people who try them. I hope when you are done at the end of the season you make a list and rank your favorites. I am planning on doing it, and I see that it is going to be harder to do than I thought.