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soil Reusing potting soil?

Last year was my first semi real growing season. I grew my own plants from seed(habanerors,jalapenos, bells) and was fairly successful. I had some in a partial shaded garden which only did ok, but the ones in pots in full sun were very productive. I used miracle grow potting soil and Dr. Earth tomato and pepper fertilizer. When the season was over I cut all the plants off and kinda just threw the pots behind the shed and forgot about them. Can I reuse that soil or should I get rid of it and start new. This year I'm adding alot more variety to the mix and just focusing on peppers so even though money is a slight issue I dont really wanna mess around. If you guys/gals suggest I ditch the old soil is there a cost effect solution such as making your own. Last year I think I used 5 or 6 of the biggest bags of miracle grow and they were around $13 a bag if I remember.
Lots of people reuse potting soil, including me. Yes, you should add nutrients to it before you reuse. Ideally, if you can, you should mix in nutrients (be it manure, compost or whatever) at the end of the season after you've pulled the plants out. That said, I've had my share of waiting until Spring and had no problems.
Congrats on growing from seed - it's not always the easiest thing to succeed at. Many people re-use soli as long as it's mixed with more nutrients, compost, aged manure, worm castings, minerals, good soil, or a combination of the list. 50/50 seems like a good ratio with old and new.

In my opinion - Miracle Gro may be good for some plants like flowers, but you may want to think about using better soil at a later date for the veggies and fruit you grow.
cool thanks, what would be good to add to make the miracle grow more suitable for peppers?

Also is there a bagged potting soil better so maybe I could buy a couple bags of that to mix it in.

So far I plan to put it all in a pile and add the Dr. earth fertilizer as I know that takes a while to break down into the soil.
For soil I like Pro Mix HP or BX, or Sunshine #4, or Happy Frog, or Ocean Forest. Kelp liquid or granular provides good minerals for the plants as fertilizer.

Just looked at the Dr. earth organic fertilizer online. Looks promising. Thanks for the suggestion.
Thanks, I'll check those out. I've always liked the look of the happy frog and ocean forest packaging ha.

As for the Dr. Earth, I don't like giving suggestions cause I'm so new to this hobby, but I give allot of my success to using that. I cant be certain cause I used it on all of my plants, but my tomato and pepper plants were huge.