seeds req for Orange habs seedlings

Any special requirements for Orange habs??
Of all the peppers I'm starting only the Orange Habs are unhealthy. I think they are dying.:P
This sucks these are the ones I was really looking forward to.
My guess is I have bad seeds.

I'll post some pics tonight.

Can you take a sick day if your peppers are not feeling well?
The only special need Habs have that I know of is a little extra calcium.(i was fighting this in one of my generic orange habs, those quotations are info I found while researching said problem):
Txclosetgrower said:
"Both Scotch Bonnets and Habanero plants need large amounts of calcium in the soil, and will fail to thrive or produce a large crop of fruit if not adequately fertilized. Calcium deficiency shows up as wrinkled leaves, especially the younger leaves. We use bone meal to cure calcium deficiencies, and you will need to keep adding calcium whenever you see leaf-wrinkling in these peppers."

-Redwood seed company (

"Habaneros, especially, will need calcium many times during the growing season, in the form of bonemeal, an few Tablespoon per plant. Scatter the bonemeal around each plant, and water in. You can tell when you need calcium if the plants stop growing and if young leaves start to pucker---they are running out of calcium to build new leaves."


Of all the seeds I planted, everything sprouted great except for the gold bullet habs, they sprouted but were just small and sickly looking, with the half-assedest cotyledons ever. One even had 3 cotyledons :P One is still tiny but the other finally came around, although it is still pretty far behind the other plants.
bentalphanerd said:
I've found the habs are a magnet for aphids...apart from that they are a very hardy plant.

I've found both _C chinense_ and _C baccatuum to be much hardier than the _c annuums_.
bentalphanerd said:
i'll never get to be a botany nerd. wtf does that mean Pam please :(

I'm just a big ol'geek, period. Sorry!

_C chinense_ is the species of pepper that includes the habaneros, Nagas, Scotch Bonnet's, and most of the seasoning-type peppers.

_C baccatuum_ is the species that includes most the Andean Aji-type peppers like Criolla Sella, Lemon Drop, Brazilian Starfish, Aji Colorado, etc.

_C annuum_ is the species that includes the most varieties. It includes bell peppers, jalapeños, cayennes, paprika peppers, serranos, etc.

In my experience and making a broad, sweeping generalization, pepper varieties from the first two species are generally hardier and more disease resistant than plants of the annuum species.

Is that clearer?
Pam said:
I'm just a big ol'geek, period. Sorry!

_C chinense_ is the species of pepper that includes the habaneros, Nagas, Scotch Bonnet's, and most of the seasoning-type peppers.

_C baccatuum_ is the species that includes most the Andean Aji-type peppers like Criolla Sella, Lemon Drop, Brazilian Starfish, Aji Colorado, etc.

_C annuum_ is the species that includes the most varieties. It includes bell peppers, jalapeños, cayennes, paprika peppers, serranos, etc.

In my experience and making a broad, sweeping generalization, pepper varieties from the first two species are generally hardier and more disease resistant than plants of the annuum species.

Is that clearer?

OK - SO habaneros, Nagas, Scotch Bonnet's I can see in the same group

Criolla Sella, Lemon Drop, Brazilian Starfish, Aji Colorado, I've had nothing to do with so far (must be mild & unworthy)

How do you get bell peppers, jalapeños, cayennes, paprika peppers, serranos, into the same group - or is it because of the location they came from?

I'll get my own back when you need a computer fixing kind of nerd :(
bentalphanerd said:
OK - SO habaneros, Nagas, Scotch Bonnet's I can see in the same group

Peppers are divided into species by plant morphology, not by the heat of the pepper. There are mild and even a few sweet habanero types (Grenada Seasoning, Puppy, Datil Sweet, Belize Sweet Habanero). Think about dog breeds: all domesticated dogs are _Canis familiaris_ , but look at the differences in Great Danes and poodles.

Criolla Sella, Lemon Drop, Brazilian Starfish, Aji Colorado, I've had nothing to do with so far (must be mild & unworthy)


How do you get bell peppers, jalapeños, cayennes, paprika peppers, serranos, into the same group - or is it because of the location they came from?

It's because they're all descended from the same ancestral plants. Remarkable genetic diversity, isn't it?

I'll get my own back when you need a computer fixing kind of nerd :(

Hey, we need variety in our nerds, too!