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Random facts


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Sports fact: There is a soccer stadium in Brazil built in such a way that the entire length of the midfield line lies precisely on the Equator.
Desert fact: There is an area of the Sahara known as the Singing Dunes. They are called this because the of the friction of the billions of sand particles rubbing together from the frequent sand avalanches causes a distinctive (and eerie) singing noise very similar to human humming. And because these avalaches are so frequent, people rarely ever venture there without modern GPS because the constantly changing dunes and other features make it extremely easy to get lost.
Marriage fact: In Vietnam, both the bride and groom must be certified to be in good mental health by licensed psychologists before applying for a marriage certificate.

Celebrity fact: The doctorate Shaquille O'Neill received was not honorary. He completed all the required courses for his PhD in education, and even wrote & defended his thesis about humor in the workplace.
Scoville DeVille said:
Hitler was a vegetarian because he didn't believe in killing animals for food.
Not true. Hitler loved his red meat. People like to believe that he was vegetarian on moral grounds because it's an interesting juxtaposition to his disregard for human life but, in actuality, it is a myth that arose from a chinese whispers like reinterpretation of his doctors note. I do not remember the exact details of said note but apparently his overconsumption of animal flesh was harming him in some way (heavy fats? lead poisoning?). Evidence suggests, however, that the advice that he should become vegetarian was scoffed at.
Archaeology fact: Machu Picchu was unknown to all but natives until Hiram Bingham rediscovered it in 1911
Biology fact: Tardigrades are the most durable mutlicellular organisms on the planet. They can withstand a temperature range of -458 - +300 degrees F, pressures 6 times that found in the Challenger Deep (the deepest point of the ocean floor), and radiation levels that would render surfaces otherwise sterile.
Tech company fact: Some interns at Google earn up to $90,000 per year plus benefits
President fact: Of all the American Presidents ever to serve, only the first 5 were never photographed at some point in their lives.
Football fact: The statistical odds of a high school football player making it to the NFL are approximately 1 in 4232
Chemistry fact: Hennig Brand discovered phosphorus in his attempt to alchemically distill gold from human urine
Dog fact: Dogs' brain structures actually make them incapable of feeling guilt, so when one does something wrong and looks with the "guilty face", it is really submissiveness.
Restaurant fact: In Japan, tipping is considered quite rude because it implies the patrons believe the server to be so poor, the even look poor.
Word fact: The word "music" comes from the Muse, the name for the Greek goddesses of the arts and creativity.
Wine fact: Per capita, residents of the Vatican drink more than any other country, at approximately 103 bottles per person, per year.
College fact: 71% of American college students report chronic sleep problems
Singer fact: Beyonce's endurance training is such that she can run a mile while singing, allowing her to perform for extended periods on stage without exhaustion.
Weird law fact: In Florida, it's illegal to fall asleep under a hair dryer in a salon, even if you own the business
Roman fact: Romans were widely known for their cleanliness. In fact, in average most Romans bathed at least once a day
Animal fact: An adult camel can drink upwards of 53 gallons of water in 3 minutes.
Deity fact: Nergal, the Mesopotamian god of war, death, pestilence, decay and the underworld, was also the name the Mesopotamians attributed to Mars, because its arrival in the night sky was considered one of the darkest omens in their culture. Nergal was considered such an evil deity that those who worshipped him, only did so in an effort to appease him and prevent diseases, famines and wars. He was also the god of the desert because people at the time believed anyone who was foolish enough to venture out in the desert on their own was considered to be tempting Nergal and was thus quickly the victim of dehydration. Because of his association with death and entropy, he was considered one of the most powerful gods in the Mesopotamian pantheon because of the inevitability of death and decay, and anyone's death and suffering only served to empower him further. In fact, powers and abilities attributed to Nergal were considered so powerful and terrible, some Biblical scholars believe him to be the inspiration for the Four Horsemen in the Book of Revelation, and he is one of the only non-Judeochristian deities to be explicitely mentioned by name in the Bible. Demonologists also believe him to be the chief of Hell's secret police and its chief spy on behalf of Lucifer, and whose powers possibly even rival that of Lucifer himself.
Government fact: In 2009, Rwanda became the first nation on Earth where the majority of members in the nation's parliment were women
Religious fact: According to the doctrine of Jehovah's Witnesses, Satan was officially banished from Hell on October 1st, 1914
Whale fact: An increasing number of instances have been recorded in which humbpack whales have saved other animals from Orca attacks
Genetic fact: There is a greater genetic difference between bacteria and amoebas, than there are between amoebas and humans
Coyote fact: Some coyote packs have learned how traffic lights function, and will wait for the traffic lights to turn the appropriate color before crossing the street
Word fact: The word "Viking" is actually a verb, which means to go on, or perform in an overseas raid, and does not note a nationality.
Alligator fact: The immune systems of alligators are so potent, they can swim in bacteria-infested waters with multiple open wounds or sores without risk of infection. It is so effective, it can actively kill the HIV virus.
Author fact: Growing up, Ray Bradbury was so poor, he had to wear the suit his uncle was murdered in to his high school graduation, complete with the bullet hole still present
Genetic fact #2: Those with a genetic predisposition to perfer sweet foods to salty foods have fewer dopamine receptors in their brain.
Television fact: The pilot episode of "Lost" was so expensive, the chairman of ABC was fired for greenlighting such an expensive pilot.
War fact: After the Taliban was driven from the city, Kabul's population swelled from just under 500,000 to over 4 million.
Mental health fact: Soviet composer Dimitri Shostakovich had such a severe case of OCD, he regularly sent postcards to himself to see how well the Soviet Postal Service worked.
CIA fact: By law, the CIA is required to release all records pertaining to the JFK assassination no later than October 26th, 2017
Bone fact: The front sinus cavities in the skull are unique to each individual and are distinctive as fingerprints
Tennis fact: To this day, no one is really sure why 0 is referred to as "love" and why the point progression is 15-30-40 in professional tennis
Saint fact: In 1997, Pope John Paull II declared St. Isidore of Seville to be the Patron Saint of the Internet and IT specialists
President fact: President Calvin Coolidge was something of a practical joker while in office. He would buzz for his security to come into the office, then promptly hide while they frantically searched for him.
President fact #2: Abraham Lincoln was so fond of cats, he would often let a cat eat at his table during formal dinners in the White House
Assassination fact: King Mithridates of Pontus was so terrified of being poisoned, he would deliberately ingest small quantities of the most common posions regualrly in an effort to develop an immunity.
Great ape fact: Bonobos and chimpanzees are the only other species on Earth besides humans to predominantly be right-handed. Not even gorillas and orangutans share this.
SadisticPeppers said:
President fact #2: Abraham Lincoln was so fond of cats, he would often let a cat eat at his table during formal dinners in the White House
     I gotta go tell my wife that one. She's a big fan of Lincoln and cats. :cheers:
Medicine fact: Besides the usual side effects, Viagra can turn pee blue
Sports fact: Anything an American athlete earns in the Olympics, including the weight of the metals in any medals they win, are counted as taxable income by the IRS
Sports fact #2: Babe Ruth set two records in the same 1923 season; one for the most home runs in a single season, and the most strikeouts in a single season
Music fact: South Carolina offered Marilyn Manson $400,000 to not play in the state, and schools in Florida threatened to expel students who attended his shows. Ironically, Manson despised any association with school shooters who listened to his music and said he wanted nothing to do with those who harm children.
Alcohol fact: Employees of the Jack Daniel's distillery get a complementary bottle on the first payday of each month.
Civil War fact: Joshua Chamberlain was officially listed as the final casualty of the American Civil War when he succumbed to his wounds... in 1914.
Genetics fact: On average, a child will inherit 4 times as many genetic mutations from their father than their mother.
McDonald's fact: Supersizing originally began as a promotional tie-in with the release of Jurassic Park in 1993
Productivity fact: The world economy suffers $221 billion in annual lost productivity due to adults with poor vision who refuse to wear glasses