Rairdog's Shanks on sale 1.27 $/lb

Egg drop soup's on..

Hit 1.054 with a 2 degree correction making it 1.056

Tasting and smelling the hydro sample....it's gonna be good.  If anything I might change the early Columbus @ 60 at this point.   But then again... I had never tried Gumball Head so it's just as well.   
grantmichaels said:
I look forward to brewing again one day!
Dump and brew tasty ships instead of searching for that pie in the sky...lol.  If I had more cornies and fermenters I could barely function.   
Ozzy2001 said:
Looks tasty. I need to do another wheat beer soon.
I have been a wheat head since the early 90's.  Every other batch now is a wheat for quick turnaround.  When I started going dark it made it more of a winter brew.  I actually prefer the Dunkel slightly flat and around 50f.  Like the old days.  This last one is not considered a wheat since it is less than 50%.  It also uses S-05 and not a wheat yeast.  IDK how it will turn out but I ain't afraid to step out of the norm.
Dump and brew tasty ships instead of searching for that pie in the sky...lol.  If I had more cornies and fermenters I could barely function.

My issue is work vacuuming up my existence ... and depriving me of the opportunity to be buzzed as often as I'd like, lol ...
grantmichaels said:
My issue is work vacuuming up my existence ... and depriving me of the opportunity to be buzzed as often as I'd like, lol ...
Make and bank while it's good bro..I'll beer here for ya lol.
Adjusted spreadsheet after 3rd brew.  The G3 changed it quite a bit.  My next 2 PA's and last wheat will suffer.  So be it!

I might bring in the brown basmati rice.  From research it will just dry it out and bump abv.  WTHWN!
The beer is flowing and the shanks are on sale for 1.27 per pound.  YUM... the rub is my own honey, brown mustard, brown sugar based.  Then I load up the pepper grinder with a lil ginger, some mustard seed, fenugreek, fennel and a coulple cloves.  Always go easy on the clove.
Dang photo bucket is messed up.  Bear with me.
Soaking the apple, pecan and hickory wood.


Rub...oh ya!  I like to fill the pepper grinder with fenugreek, fennel seed and peppercorns.   The ginger is ginded as needed.

Don't need a heavy rub....just sweet goodness

The smoke.  Ya i have had a lot of of expensive smokers in the past.  Charcoal, indirect and whatnot....they all gave me headaches and disappointment after a while.  I reach back to the Big Chief!....and a pitcher of home brew!

tctenten said:
Looking good Jim. Nice way to spend the day.
I need to apologize for coming off as a dickhead in some of your threads or responses.  Reading back sober makes me think I'm an asp....so I'm sorry...Wait a minute....I'm still drunk.
Ozzy2001 said:
Oh man that looks awesome! Photobucket has been messed up for me too. It won't upload.
Mine will upload 3-5 pics of the same pic but not the ones want.   I guess it don't like the adblock and pop blocks I have is the only thing I can figure.