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R bhut jolokia's hard to grow?

allenstu said:
They seem a little hard to grow vs the naga morich or peruvian habanero--- what's your guys experience?

I'm growing all three... hardest in germination was the peruvian... all are slow growers though IMO
I have the bhut's going right now. The peruvian's came out real quick. I can't wait to get my yellow 7 pots going.
allenstu said:
I have the bhut's going right now. The peruvian's came out real quick. I can't wait to get my yellow 7 pots going.

then you shouldn't have a prob

EDIT: this is just from my exp... i'm sure you'll get like 30 dif opinions lol
My experience is the same as scorpian's........Heaps of flower drop but then one day they will just start sticking and you will become scared...

They are slow growing to start with and do show good results with small amounts of liquid plant food....
When you guys water your bhut's do you water every time where the water is coming out the bottom or just until the dirt is wet?
allenstu said:
When you guys water your bhut's do you water every time where the water is coming out the bottom or just until the dirt is wet?

i water until it comes out the bottom... but then again i wait until it's dry an inch deep... if you have good draining soil it shouldn't matter... my plants are ROCKIN lol if you have good drainage it shouldn't matter, but I have seen people over water
I'm using fox farm ocean mix along with some sand- i would think this should be good but the bhut's are slow and the high winds we had knocked off a ton of leaves that set them back even more.
Good drainage and a standard more to the top of the range fert will be fine. You need to move or protect your bhut from the wind....no flowers=no chilli pods!
Normally we don't get much wind so it caught me off guard. SHould be fine now-- sucked because it was just after i transplanted them to a bigger container.
I have grown these peppers and it is all about the basics.

heated grow mat to start them.
good potting soil like promix ect.
don't overwater and to understand this you will need a few years of growing to see what to look for but a good rule is to start with a good size pot like a 5 gallon for a pepper like a naga then make sure there are holes in the bottom to drain the water .

when the plants are small they are a little fussy about water and fertilizer but after you get a 3 foot high plant its hard to hurt them IMO