for-sale Pure Evil Capsaicin Drops OOPS! Sale


eXtreme Business
I messed up one batch of Pure Evil.  It was already in the bottles before I realized what I'd done.  Now it's your chance to grab some Pure Evil for a really good price.  Better order two!
edit- see the link below for  a description of what Pure Evil is.  This is a private sale here on THP, not listed on the website. 
6.4 million SHU Pure Evil Capsaicin Drops
1/4 oz dropper bottle
no decorative tin
shipping to US included, willing to ship international if buyer pays the additional postage
$16 per bottle
Payment options available.  I can send a pay request through PayPal, run a credit card, or you can mail a check.  Send me a PM, let me know what payment method you prefer and if using paypal, please include what email to send the pay request to.  If using PayPal, please make sure your mailing address is current or put the info in Comments.

PS- It's not an extract!
Also check out the Pepper Burn Anodyne listing.
It's not on the website, it's a private sale here on THP.  Send me a PM, let me know what payment option you prefer. 
Thanks for your interest!
I edited the post to clarify.  Thanks~
More clarification- 
I can send a Pay Request to any email or cell phone number through PayPal which can then be paid by the purchaser with a credit card, paypal account, or from a bank account.  No PP account necessary.
salsalady said:
I messed up one batch of Pure Evil.  It was already in the bottles before I realized what I'd done.
what'd you mess up? capsaicin concentration doesn't match the label?
salsalady said:
PS- It's not an extract!
what's that mean? the capsaicin was produced via a synthetic route and was not extracted from plants?
sinensis said:
what'd you mess up? capsaicin concentration doesn't match the label?
what's that mean? the capsaicin was produced via a synthetic route and was not extracted from plants?
Yes, I was scaling up and messed up measurements. 
In the hot sauce world, 'extract' generally refers to a thick oily-looking bad tasting ingredient.  First used in Dave's Insanity, Mad Dog 357, Blairs and now it's used in a lot of sauces and for hot wings and other restaurant foods.  It has a very identifiable generally not-pleasant metallic taste.  The capsaicinoids are extracted from peppers using solvents, I've heard ketones, and I dunno what else.  It goes by several names such as chile extract, oleoresin, pepper oleoresin extract and others. 
What I use is a refined crystalline powder made from natural chile peppers.  It has no flavor, so the Pure Evil can be used in anything to raise the heat without changing the flavor.
Let me see if I can find a couple pics showing the 2 products.  BRB~

so you're saying your product is an extract, albeit a superior one -- perhaps higher purity from being washed or recrystallized to exclude undesirable/bitter components? or supercritical CO2 extraction or something instead?
i get that you want to differentiate your product from others because extract sauces are so stigmatized, but you're confusing me  :think:  :P
can you tell me anything about why/how your product is neutral in flavor and hence superior? (i have a chemistry background)
edit: sending PM now. i'd like to try it! 
I'm not a chemist, I don't know the exact processes of how the powder is made.  I don't make the pure crystalline powder, the exact process is proprietary to the manufacturer.  How they get the capsaicinoids out of the peppers to begin with, I don't know.   
Here's pictures of the 16mil SHU refined capsaicin powder in the middle, an 8mil SHU Pure Evil on the left and traditional extract on the right and the 2nd picture includes a dab of 9mil SHU oleoresin extract.   


i see. thanks for explaining and showing pics. they are very telling.
capsaicin is supposed to be a colorless, crystalline (with some waxiness to it) solid. clearly your extract is of considerably higher purity than the gunk on the right and excludes bad tasting stuff that gives extract sauces a bad rap.
it is an extract nonetheless, but i don't know how to succinctly indicate that to consumers without risking a kneejerk aversion to your product. marketing's a bitch.
That pretty much hits the nail on the head.  We use 'refined capsaicin powder' and 'capsaicin drops' to differentiate and avoid the "e" word like the plague. 
Years ago (2012?), a bunch of us NW chileheads went to Wing Dome for a hot wing challenge.  6 of us did the challenge and 2-3 other people tasted the sauce.  The business swore there wasn't extract in the sauce, but every single one of us could taste it.  It was sooo nasty tasting.  2 people finished the challenge, I ended up hurling in the ally out back of the restaurant and curled up on the couch later for about 6 hours with cramps.  Not good! 
Several orders have gone out, several more still available.

Enjoy carefully!
Several orders gone, still have about a dozen or so.

One order of 2 to Canada only had $3 additional shipping. Interested international people give me a holler, let's see what we can work out.

I'm soooooo glad SL doesn't mind doing a lil bartering. This is a fantastic deal but naturally, I don't have any money. So I asked SL if a trade could be had. Generously, she agreed.

(I forgot about this deal until the 6.4mil Pure Evil showed up at my door with a quickness)

Holiday. Of course. Looks like it'll be a lil longer.

Here's the vial of Pure Evil CHOCKED FULL!!!

Monday should be the delivery day. Here's what she got:

I gotta try to figure out how to get another one or three. Lol


I just picked up the trade from  Bhuter, all in good shape.  Thanks!
elpicante, I still have several, PM sent~
Thanks, Bob!  Enjoy carefully~~~