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Pruning Opinion/Question

So my plants that I started last fall are about 18" tall now and they have all branched off and are growing strong. I know everything under the canopy (branched off area) is pretty much non productive leaves, is it ok to prune all these non-productive leaves off? It will make my 8 Butch T Scorpions look like Palm/Coconut trees.

When it is warm enough to go outside, I plan on planting them a little deeper than normal to take up some of the space below the branching.
You can prune whatever you want. It's really hard to kill a chile.


Doesn't do much good (and may actually hurt) to bury them past where the cotyledons were. Up to that point they will grow good roots easily. above that and they don't produce roots really well. Someone posted a video about that very thing and he dug them up end of season and showed the lack of root production, plus the plants they he put in deepest didn't to as well as the shallow ones. If you're dead set on it...I would apply some rooting homone to the depth you plan on planting and that may help it work out for you...Post results if you try it, I'm curious.

On a seperate note. Some folks also prune most of the leaves once production starts...they claim it boosts pod production, and that the plants use the pods for photosyntesis. That was another good thread, unfortunately I don't remember who posted that one either. I'll try to find them both and post links.


That is one of the videos...I'll have to find the other thread about removing leaves...

Now if your intention is to do a Bonchi that is different...I do that and really hack the root system and growth often to keep them nice and compact, but if you're looking for production that is different.

I do trim my overwinters way back as well. just to keep them small and managable.

Good luck


Here is the other thread...post #23 talks about removing leaves. %80 of them! Wow a bit extreme, but appears to work for him!
