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soil Pro mix soil = sponge

I am using promix soil for the first time this year. I first watered 5 days ago and the soils still damp without any rain. Is this okay since I know peppers like to dry out between waterings? Now its suppose to rain tomorrow. Should take my plants in since they've already been wet so long?
That stuff really holds moisture well, as long as you have drain holes in your pots, you should be fine. Pro-Mix BX comes with a wetting agent.
I thought the BX regular was the one that didn't have much of any additives?

PRO-MIX 'BX' is a "general purpose" peat-based growing medium with vermiculite and perlite, used for the cultivation of a wide variety of plant species. This complete mix is lightweight, uniform and blended to the highest degree of consistency to ensure maximum plant performance.

Looks like straight peat and very small perlite stuff to me.

That's what I have, and along with some extra perlite in it, it gets dry in about 3-4 days indoors.

IDK, nursery said was Pro-mix BX, but they coulda meant HP I suppose.
QuadShotz said:
I thought the BX regular was the one that didn't have much of any additives?


Looks like straight peat and very small perlite stuff to me.

That's what I have, and along with some extra perlite in it, it gets dry in about 3-4 days indoors.

IDK, nursery said was Pro-mix BX, but they coulda meant HP I suppose.

In the link you provided, right under where you quoted, under Components:

Canadian Sphagnum Peat Moss (75-85 % / vol.)
Perlite — horticultural grade
Wetting Agent
Dolomitic & Calcitic Limestone (pH adjuster)

-all Pro-Mix blends have a wetting agent. See this chart. http://www.premierhort.com/eProMix/Horticulture/Products/pdf/eProCompChart.pdf I think that's a good thing personally, it keeps more of the water you provide available for the plant rather than letting it drain out the bottom.
I personally wouldn't worry much about the rain
Peat on its own crusts up and dries out inconsistantly which is why the wetting agent is added. It is not the same as silica gel crystals which hold 200 times their weight in water
I have always used Pro-Mix BX inside and start all of my seeds with it and then transplant them with it. I love the stuff and can not say enough good things about. I agree with as long as you have drain holes, I wouldn't worry too much. A good rule for me is to stick my finger in the soil to feel how wet or dry it is.
Thanks guys. I was ust a little worried since its my first year using the stuff. Last year I used plant smart soil from wal-mart and it had great drainage and dried out quickly. There wasn't much peat in it. I was going to use it this year since i had good results but couldn't find it and heard such good stuff about promix.
Yeah, it's awesome.

Plus, my local garden store repackages the big bales into managable sizes for us small-time indoor gardeners...at a good price too. :)

My plants are still soaked and they have plenty of drain holes. Its been over 2 weeks and its only rained a bit. I'm not using pro mix next year, think I'm going back to the wal-mart stuff.
chillilover said:
My plants are still soaked and they have plenty of drain holes. Its been over 2 weeks and its only rained a bit. I'm not using pro mix next year, think I'm going back to the wal-mart stuff.

I mix my promix with worm casing and extra perlite and I think its the best I have ever used.:(
chillilover said:
My plants are still soaked and they have plenty of drain holes. Its been over 2 weeks and its only rained a bit. I'm not using pro mix next year, think I'm going back to the wal-mart stuff.

How big are your plants vs. how big are your pots? If theyre still rather small and in big pots, then this sogginess may be problematic. Otherwise, they'll be fine. Hell, we've gotten 2 inches of rain since last night here, and my plants don't look any worse for the wear (yet! :lol:) It's pouring again now. I really fretted about the wet feet thing a bunch earlier in the season, only to find that my plants seemed to LOVE all the rain. In fact it wasn't until they got a good week of showers every day that they really started to take off. Rain is a good thing, as long as it isn't TOO extreme. I'm sure wet feet isnt a good thing, but I think your plants will be fine. They'll grow to the point that they'll really start sucking up the water soon.
FiveStar said:
How big are your plants vs. how big are your pots? If theyre still rather small and in big pots, then this sogginess may be problematic. Otherwise, they'll be fine. Hell, we've gotten 2 inches of rain since last night here, and my plants don't look any worse for the wear (yet! :lol:) It's pouring again now. I really fretted about the wet feet thing a bunch earlier in the season, only to find that my plants seemed to LOVE all the rain. In fact it wasn't until they got a good week of showers every day that they really started to take off. Rain is a good thing, as long as it isn't TOO extreme. I'm sure wet feet isnt a good thing, but I think your plants will be fine. They'll grow to the point that they'll really start sucking up the water soon.
Your right, they are small. I might like the soil when they're larger and I don't have to water them every day when it's 90 degrees.
I've never used the soil, but sounds like it would be perfect for growing peppers in AZ where the temp gets as high as 120 in the summer. May have to get a bag.
Promix is looser, better draining, and likely holds more oxygen than any wal-mart soil. As long as the plants aren't sitting in a bunch of water, then they should be fine
Your right everyone I love my promix now. It wasn't drying because of the weather and the fact that the plants were tiny. It's drying out fine now :)
Ya, I think it was. I put them in 8, 10 and 12 inch pots when they were seedlings. Now I am watering every day with them big and in the heat.:P