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preservation Preserving my Hot Peppers

cheap coffee grinder then into glass jars until more is needed in 1 of the pepper shakers .The wife likes the el scorponero smoked with cherry(thanks D3) I am partial to the smoked hab with a hint of ghost .
ScottsBonnet, I really do need to look into getting a dehydrator.  I'm sure my wife would appreciate me being able to move the pepper fumes into the garage or the back porch.  That batch you put in the dehydrator is impressive.  Did you halve the peppers first or put them in whole?
dsm600rr said:
Habanero & Carrot sauce
  • 3 Cups Carrots, Chopped
  • 2 Sweet Onions, Chopped
  • 3 Cups Apple Cider Vinegar
  • 1/2 Cup Lime Juice (Fresh Squeezed Limes a Must!)
  • 6 Garlic Cloves, Minced
  • 4 Teaspoons Salt
  • 30 or so Habanero Peppers with seeds, remove stems
  • 15-20 Red Thai Peppers
  • Combine all the ingredients, except for the habaneros/Thai, in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Boil (covered) for 15 minutes or until the carrots are soft
  • Place all the ingredients in a blender or food processor and puree until smooth.
  • Boil mason jars 10min to sterilize. Add vinegar to water if you have hard water
  • Boil Finger-Tip Tight Filled Jars 20min, let rest 5 min in hot water.
This is a great recipe. I love it!
I used a variety of scorpion, bhutlah and douglah peppers as well as a bunch of peter peppers to mellow it out a bit. It took a little time to get the vinegar, salt and viscosity right but I am very well pleased with the result. It's definitely a fitting replacement for my favorite Sontava habanero sauce. Right on time too because World Market quit carrying the delicious made in Belize Sontava and now carries only the drek that's made in Colombia.
Thank you dsm600rr!
I also find the freezer method really good, just wash them, chuck them in a plastic container then straight into thee freezer, I've pulled some out of my stockpile that would have been there for a year or more and they are hot as anything. I just get them out about 20 mins before I wanna chuck them in a pasta sauce or other dish, another bonus is thy're really easy to dice up when they're frozen. 