health Potting soil questions.. and Black Spots on leafs

I transplanted my peppers today fomr their solo cup homes, I have found on here that Miracle Gro is a No-No, I had them in MG in the solo cups but for the transplant I got (links contained to main site) Earthgro® by Scotts Potting Soil

To level out the top area im thinking of getting Earthgro Topsoil, however I was looking at Earthgro® Organic Humus And Manure, would this be ok for my peppers? I know Miracle Gro has a problem with nitrogen..

Also I have some of my leafs are covered with Black dots, not bugs, but dots, almost appears like the leaf has black freckles.. anyone know what bug this is? Thanks!!
Can you rub the spots off or are they like small dead spots on the leaves?

The Earthgro Organic Humus and Manure looks like good stuff but it's made to be mixed, not used straight. The topsoil doesn't give as much information on its composition, but it does say that it should be mixed, too. I think if you wanted to mix one of them with the potting soil, I would go with the Organic Humus and Manure.
Hmm so I suppose I should just get another of the same bag to lay over the top to get a more even layer on the top?

No they dont look like that.. its more like little dots just covering the whole leaf... I have a decent digital camera but I cant for the life of me figure out how to do close ups.. I know the macro selection but that doesn't give me very good quality either
I have a Canon Powershot, and I have found that stepping back and zooming in on my subject with the macro setting on works better for me than holding the camera close to the subject.