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overwintering Potential Issue with Overwinter Carolina Reaper - HELP PLEASE!!!!!

Hi All Chilli/Pepper folk......a little panic has set in today. Some Horrible looking shit observed on the undersides of my OW Carolina Reaper leaves......my ONLY Reaper that I really need to get season 2 out of.....because he/she was a late start in 2017. Pics with descriptions are in the Imgur link. I have pulled every leaf showing this nasty stuff......so the plant is a proper scrawny now. That aside - HELP PLEASE!!!!! We are late winter, and the plants get probably 6hrs direct sun per day. No sign of this on any of the other plants living in same potting media. Help please.......
Many Thanks in advance - Roy
Consider spraying neem oil on the leaves and trop dressing with some compost to help re-invigorate the plant.  Could also apply neem cake directly to the soil to combat any possible pests that have laid eggs in the soil during the overwintering.  Keep an eye out for Aphids that should be appearing soon due to the time of year in your area.  
Thanks for that guys - no sign of nasty insects....yet (they will come - they ALWAYS come with summer) but I think we're a little early for them - in my Onion bed, these little wasps of some sort are Hammering the aphids.....tough little aphids are being DESTROYED by Ladybugs and these little wasp-like creatures! Love them to bits!!!! For any serious infestation of nasty things.....I have a few "weapons" in reserve.......hopefully not to be required......LOL


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