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pics podpipers pepper pics

these are some of my pepper plants taken today I cannot fit all of them together to get one pic of all. I seem to be having a problem getting them to a deep green color but I have started using epsom salt. The smaller seedlings will start getting a shot of Superthrive when it arrives I would like them to catch up a bit to the others.




this is my overwintered Big Jim.

MMMMMMMMMMM thinking what time do you go to bed and is there alarm system on building? LOL They sure do look good
I will have to get all of the SE Michiganders over for some BBQ'ed stuffed poppers if everything goes well in the garden this year. And even the northern Ohioans.

Plants look great Dale. I had that issue with yellowing leaves a bit last year, but it seems to have disappeared this season. I use Superthrive and Rootjuice. Perhaps this helped? Stuffed pepper part? :)

cmpman1974 said:
Plants look great Dale. I had that issue with yellowing leaves a bit last year, but it seems to have disappeared this season. I use Superthrive and Rootjuice. Perhaps this helped? Stuffed pepper part? :)


Chris, where did you get your Superthrive?
does the dark spots on these leaves look familiar to anyone? The plants seem healthy but i am sure they are lacking something.




Those look similar to POTAWIE's Chinese 5 color pepper plants

Here's a pic of some recently re-potted Chinese 5 color pepper plants. These are my favorite ornamental and this is my 4th year growing them. Unfortunately the aphids are really liking them lately and I really don't want to spray anything with the ladybugs and larvae around so lots of squishing.

DrHavanger said:
Those look similar to POTAWIE's Chinese 5 color pepper plants
No, they don't.
POTAWIE's are purple. that's actually a pigment meant to screen off too much blue-violet light (the same light that causes burns).
thepodpiper's are partly purple, and mostly brown. like rot.
like what rot? leaf rot? because i bet those leafs are quite hardy

i ask because some of my leafs got quite dark purple bordering on not purple spots when they were a little pale from no N added and developed spots like this, so i am naturally concerned about rot..

they were the only seedlings close to a MH lamp, so i shrugged it off as 'pigment'