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pics Plant pictures with a couple questions! warning-big pics

heyhey peeps! Here's some pics of my kiddies...

Various young ones, hope nobody wants to have a BBQ!!

(left to right) Choc hab and two orange habs. The orange hab seems to be developing some buds already - is this bad? surely it should be growing much larger before it starts to flower? Will it keep growing while it flowers/fruits?

Two naga morichs...

Three dorset nagas..
Black pearl and numex twilight - these two were both put outside back when it was way too cold, i think it stunted them a little. I pulled off a lot of half dead large leaves a while ago and they're starting to bush out now.. hope they grow larger.. like the orange hab they are starting to develop buds..

Bih Jolokia, stunted red hab, hot banana - the hot banana has 4 pods on it and seems to have stopped growing. it's pretty small. should i cut the pods off to get it to grow bigger ? the season has hardly begun!

This is my long red cayenne - its another plant that i went a bit crazy on, removing almost all the foliage after it all went 'wierd' a few weeks ago. It seems to be set to explode in new growth. I cut off all but one pod - should i leave it or cut it off as well?

Not sure why my plants are all flowering at such small sizes.. it's wierd. Is it something I should be concerned about or do I just let them do their thing? :onfire:
HotPeppersFlyFishing said:
Great pics,great looking plants!! Love the containers.I have to get some of those for next season!!

Someone up the road did some extreme landscaping and had a pile of about 200 empty pots out the front - I knocked on the door and they said they were free for the taking! Bonus. Think i saved a couple hundred dollars easilly.
How old are your plants Dave? I think the early flowering might have something to do with our wierd Australin weather at the moment.
I have a "special" plant that wanted to bud too, so i pinched the tip :onfire:
Novacastrian said:
How old are your plants Dave? I think the early flowering might have something to do with our wierd Australin weather at the moment.
I have a "special" plant that wanted to bud too, so i pinched the tip :onfire:

they're all only a couple months old max, the ones that are trying to bud. We have had a hot week or two with then a couple days of cold wet weather, that might have something to do with it.
So guys whats the score? should i be going through my little plants with a magnifying glass and some tweezers, removing all the buds I can find? or will they still grow to 'normal' size if I leave them be?
I'd take the pod off the cayenne as the plant will be trying to put most of its effort into growing and ripening that pod at the expense of the rest of the plant. the plants main function is to ensure that it produces seeds so that the species survives for next season (not so you can have nice hot pods to eat with your meals or to burn your mates with). if you pluck the pod it will go back to growing the plant and you'll get more buds forming.

plants have a genetic limit on how many pods they can sustain at any one time, that is why when they reach their maximum fruit load they stop producing more buds. the size of your cayenne plant maybe at its fruit load already just with that one pod.

as far as size of plant, cold will slow growth and if you've had some real chilly nights it may have killed off some foliage. don't worry about it. it's still very early in our season so your little babies should recover just fine.

for the most part I reckon your plants look fine. what's the bottle of Yates stuff in the first pic Dave?
The yates stuff is 'nature's way multi nutrient plant food' have only used it once so far.. plants seemed to like it. if it hadn't rained all day yesterday and today I'd be feeding them again this weekend hehe..

Ok I think I'm gonna pull all the pods off everything and just try and remove any buds before they flower for now..
I'm just munching on the large hot banana that i just pulled off the plant.. it's got some heat! huzzah. dont think it's completely ripe though
RingburnDave said:
Ok I think I'm gonna pull all the pods off everything and just try and remove any buds before they flower for now..

Yea that's probably a good idea everything I have read both within and outside this forum seems to indicate that. Chilliman64 summed it up well.