• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

PIC 1's......Pod Pornage.............2012

Here's the start on my grow log. Well no pods yet but I have to start somewhere, and away we go!

The seeds in the containers are all c.chinense. They were dunked in a germinating solution for an over-nighter on December 1st.
This was the first phase of the germination process with plantings happening every 2 weeks through the month of January.
The annum species and the mild/medium strains will get planted late Jan through early Feb.


Most of these are "Super-hots.


Here's a shot from today, things are looking up and up.


Here's a unique looking seedling. It has 3 cotyledon's and a set of 3 true leaves. The seedling is a Trinidad Scorpion Green, seeds are from Chris (cc). I've seen the triple cotyledon with my Coronong's but not the triple set of true leaves at the same time


Here's another seedling that caught my eye. The leaves are as dark purple as my Dutch.Hot's. This one's the Purple Bhut Jolokia seeds were also from Chris. I know the leaves will eventually turn green.....but right now they look pretty... :cool:


Did somebody say "Purple"......Here's one of my overwinters. The Maui Purple. The flowers have set and soon the chili's will form...........yea


And finally another overwinter and was an over-achiever/producer last season. That's why its here. It's's the TS Butch T

More to follow, soon

Nice. The St. Barts look almost like Cardi Yellows. I have some Morados too, hope I get one of them to turn brown... kind of wishing I planted some choco habs this year...
Wow Greg! What an amazing update. You definitely have the photography down!

Were you expecting the bonnets to be stable? Either way, they have some crazy shapes.

Definitely the king of weekend updates!
Out-Friggen-Standing Greg. Your harvest shots are going to be full of so many cool colors, shapes and flavors. Something for everyone at the Pic1 casa! Can't wait to see them or some foodie pics from the master!
Thanks Stefan.....The Orozco is a beautiful plant, the photo doesn't do it justice. A close-up might have been better. I pop the chili's off the plant and eat them like candy. A quick hit of heat with a bit of crunch...
The Hawaiian Hab is producing all shapes of pods...........thin skinned and very fruity tasting.......
Thanks for your comments


Thanks for moving me back into traffic!......................ha
A few more photos on there way...


Here's a "Large Yellow Congo".....I'm waiting for a bunch of the these with a few other "Yellow West Indian" types for some hot sauce making!


"Fat Red"..........seeds from Chris (.cmpman 1974 )


"Martinique Habanero's" ripening


"Yellow Scorpion" not close to being ripe, but I can't wait to break one open...................oh the smell!


"Big Sky or Big Sun".............I heard these called either, and they do get quite large for Yellow African Habs


and finally a two week old "Jamaican Scotch Bonnet"...............fat little leaves on it...

Til next week........
Thanks for looking and also sharing your photos


love the photo... lets see if the ones i sowed in the aero will catch up to yours... great looking pod pictures Greg.... i see JERK and CHUTNEY sometime in your future!! keep us entertained with your knowledge of growing.. im about to eat one of my jamaican hot yellows.....YA mon

Greg, the plants and pods are looking great. I have
missed visiting your glog every day or two, but promise
to be more consistent the rest of the season! Have you
done any more tv interviews? Loved the overall shot
of your patio! Those are monster plants!

Hey Paul,
Thanks for stopping by. You tend to put in some great responses and replies for everyone here.
I don't know how you find the time to gather all this info up. No need to play catch up here, visit
when you can. I intend to run this glog into the overwintering process.
Ha........tv .......no, just a couple of lectures here and there.........maybe another mag article in the future when the gardens at full swing.
The plants are suddenly starting to grow.. I say its magic, but the rain is no trick. It just needs to re-appear before this shows over................lol


Greg very cool and wicked looking pods,your hawaiian red hab is that a cross?

I'm not sure...........I acquired these seeds and another from a dude that lives on the North Shore, Oahu.
I grew them last year and the pods were more stable looking, longer and more lantern shaped. I only grew
one plant this year since I have so many other habs already.

Nice. The St. Barts look almost like Cardi Yellows. I have some Morados too, hope I get one of them to turn brown... kind of wishing I planted some choco habs this year...

I have a couple of St barts plants going..................great tasting pod. . I believe the Morado that I have growing is a Rojo Morado..
None of my brown pods are showing up yet. I got a few that I'm also waiting for.

Wow, those Martinique Habanero's look absolutely amazing!

Thanks Stefan, That plant will continue to produce through the end of the season. We've had some pretty hot weather lately.
Alot of flower drop, but I can see some new buds starting to form all over. So its just a waiting game now.

Wow Greg! What an amazing update. You definitely have the photography down!

Were you expecting the bonnets to be stable? Either way, they have some crazy shapes.

Definitely the king of weekend updates!

Thanks Matt,
I've grown the TFM's before and someone asked me to post a photo of the pods. My seeds were not isolated
and the Bonnet varieties get grouped together. So it could be a cross from last yrs seed stock. I will, however
isolate some of my other "True Bonnets" for my futher seed stock, as I usually do.
Thanks for the compliments......My blog was pretty much a flurry of photos, but I enjoyed doing it

Out-Friggen-Standing Greg. Your harvest shots are going to be full of so many cool colors, shapes and flavors. Something for everyone at the Pic1 casa! Can't wait to see them or some foodie pics from the master!

Thanks Shane, the colors are happening.............................ha
If I can get more happening at one time I can make some puree.
Otherwise.....................hmm........maybe some food shots soon...
That 'fat red' is such a cool looking pepper Greg! Is it a cross? Stable?
MJ.........It's my 1st year growing it. I think Chris (cmpman) may have a photo in his growlog from last year. They are round and just shy of the size of a golfball. I can see them getting bigger and ripening redGreg
Great pepper shots Greg. I'm going to have to make a trip to the shed to find my tripod for when I'm using the manual settings and taking close ups. I'm just to shakey otherwise. Yellow Congo sauce huh, I know a little about that. Looking good Bro

I guess you did sell your sou....... ahhhh learn from the best. Great photos...that "fat red" picture gives me a autumn feeling. I have a deck o card type point and shoot crappy type thing that I don't use. Now if you give me some lessons I could save about $2000 not buying a fancy dslr. I figure after I ply you with rum,and a round trip flight,I would still be ahead. You free this weekend? What is the deal on the cgn 21500? I have seen a few folks growing it... Taste,rare,ornamental?
Not much happening at the moment but here's a short update..........


"Jalapeno M".......slightly smaller than the typical but hotter than most


"Rotan Pumpkin" starting to show its color


"Douglah x Scorpion"


The 1st of the "Douglahs" starting to ripen


"Yellow Bonnets"


"The Breakfest of Champions"..........A "Jethro" size cereal bowl, not your typical Chex Mix..................Ha
Here's this mornings harvest......the amount is gradually starting to pickup. There's nothing like a spiked up "Bloody Mary" to round out the todays pick!

Til next week,

Hi Greg,

Extremely beautiful pictures! Your glog is the one what I always show to my friends if we talk about peppers! The 'Breakfast of the Champions' is just like a painting! Keep posting more and more pictures, to show all of us there is always hope! :dance:

The bloody mary is my favourite! Where did you get the jalapeno M? I am always looking at adding hotter jalapenos to my grow list.
Mmmmm...I wanna see what you looked like after finishing those fruit loops!

Haha...........Shane i wish I could, I just don't have the gut(s) to stomach much of that ........but if I had to start out I know which peppers would be last!
"Heat Sneakers"...........How fast can I run to the "can"......................lol

Hi Greg,

Extremely beautiful pictures! Your glog is the one what I always show to my friends if we talk about peppers! The 'Breakfast of the Champions' is just like a painting! Keep posting more and more pictures, to show all of us there is always hope! :dance:


Thank you for the compliment!
I hope to keep this glog interesting from the start to the finish...

The bloody mary is my favourite! Where did you get the jalapeno M? I am always looking at adding hotter jalapenos to my grow list.

Hi Stefan,
I've been growing the Jalapeno M for a number of years. My original source was either Gurney or Park seeds. I see alot of Jalapenos in the local Hispanic markets. The peppers are twice as long but twice as mild...................... :tear:
I will continue to grow these, the plants are huge producers and the fruit stays nice and low to mid height on the plant (no top heavy branch cracking) .I love a good BM.........opps...( Bloody Mary ).......ha. The best are made from scratch from the bottom of the glass right up to the topper........a floater of good Tequila .........................yum
Loosen up your "rope" and enjoy that bloody mary. That had to be a "Baer" digging through that jungle. You are a beaut my man. Seems like the shows you watched growing up, were reruns when I was growing up. Never knew his dad was a heavyweight champ until I watched the movie "Cinderella Man". Enjoy your weekend sir.
Nice bowl o' peppers, Gregg! When I look at your array
of patio plants, I see nothing but pods in your future!