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pests Pest/bacterial leaf spot guidance

I made some initial posts a few weeks ago about my peppers showing signs of bacterial leaf spot...so I removed the leaves and sprayed twice with hydrogen peroxide spray and followed with aact foliar sprays. All was well for a while until the prior tropical storm rains which humidified everything down here into near 100% range while temps steadily increased into the triple digits.

Well the spots had seemed to cease until this rain and humidity brought them back in worse effect and this time with the addition of aphids.

So here is where the guidance comes into the picture. I have been trying really hard to establish the food soil web and beneficial bacterium on the leaves by dosing with aact...so I read that salicylic acid (aspirin) can be fed to the roots as well as leaves to promote system resistance to bacteria, fungi, and pests.

Should I add this to my next batch of aact and foliar feed as well as root feed, or should I spray them all down with the equivalent to bonide citrus fruit and nut orchard spray (sulphur and pyrethrins) to take a less natural approach to trying to fix this problem...

Any help is appreciated.
Well you seem to be grasping at straws so here it is, we here in inland Florida get rain 5 days a week, we have canals and swamps all over, the humidity never drops below 70% during the summer(6 months), we have all the wonderful bugs you guys do except we have them 12 months out of the year, and we get these cockroaches that fly and are sometimes 3 inches long. besides the mites,white flies,aphids, 50 or so different worms, giant red grasshoppers, katydids, boll weevils, leaf miners, root maggots, bacterial leaf spot, mosaic viruses, etc. etc. etc. all that is needed is a good cycle of treatment, I spray neem oil mix(with pepper juices and soap) every 3-5 days, and(don't forget epsom and ferts) use H202 treatment every 5-7, if mites pop up(and they do) between the schedule I reapply neem and move to stop the spread. treating your plants never ends it just goes on and on. Gl and don't give up!
I'm right there with you man ... TS Debbie was definitely the last thing I needed to have happen while battling the BLS ...

I wrapped up harvesting what I could, and basically edned up removing the majority of the leaves (which is a real PITA, btw) ...

The new growth is coming in w/o spots, and I'm going to begin prophylaxis treatment along the lines of what Prehensile is describing ... fighting what I'm not even seeing (hopefully) yet ...
We just received a weather warning for some serious crap heading north to south....might not have plants to pull leaves off of.
that front edge looks nasty and it's moving fast ... at the current rate, we'll see rain in the morning too (sarasota, fl) ... my local forecast doesn't seem to take it into account, did it pop up out of nowhere?
seems to have...last time I looked at the weather yesterday, there was nothing, just high 90's and a few projected triple digit temps, no rain...

I just went outside (11:00 pm) to check on my plants and didn't need the outside lights or a flashlight due to constant lightning...