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Peroxide,Epsom Salt,and sick plants

So I'm sitting here in a meeting( yes sunday meetings are UN-AMERICAN),and I got bored. So I started google'n....
I stumbled upon this,and thought I would share with some of my fellow noob chiliheads.

Very Informative at the very least.....
Posted by smokemaster_2007 on May 24 2008

I get 3% peroxide at the 99 cent store and put the whole bottle in a 2 gal. sprayer.
I drench everything with it.Bugs don't like it at all and the plants seem to be liking it.
I put about 1 tbsp. of Epsom salt in the 2 gal. sprayer and soak the soil with it.
What I've read your supposed to use 35% peroxide at 2 1/2 tsp. per gal.
I was afraid I'd kill bennificial stuff in my soil if I put too much.I don't know what my amount compares to per gal. of 35%-parts per....
Your supposed to use 2tbsp of Epsom salt per gal. of water but I think it might be too much and build up.
With fertilizer and everything else I use small/weak amounts often rather than full amounts every month or whtever the box ,can or bottle says to use.
For my pots I like mixing everything in my 2 gal. sprayer and spraying the plants before I water.
I'll water whatever I'm spraying into the pots just until water starts comming out the bottom.
Every 4-5 days I'll flood the pots,let them drain then water again to get any buildup out of my soil.
In general except for the epsom salt I don't think I really have to worry about buildup.
I use fish emultion and Seaweed extract so I think that both are pretty organic and probably break down or get used up before I could come close to overdosing my plants soil.
I think about every living thing must like to eat the fish emultion.You don't have to leave it mixed up long before it starts to ferment.
Once I left a partially filled container of it in my shed when I got sidetracked.The next day it stank so bad you could smell it a mile away.
I bet you probably couldn't overdose your plants with it,too much stuff likes to grow in or off of it.The microbes etc. would probably eat it up before it overdosed your plants.
Seaweed extract though can be strong stuff.I've heard people say they burned their plants with it.
I have noticed that if I put a little extra of it in my mix because my plants look like they need a boost it doesn't take long before you see them react to it.
Only takes a day or so to see a difference like as if you were using a chemical fertilizer.
I didn't like Seaweed meal when I used it before.
It's powdered seaweed.
I put some in the soil when I was repotting a few plants.
Someone told me it was good for transplanted plant roots.
I only put in what the box said to,maybe a little less because I wasn't sure of using the stuff.
It burned my plants really bad.I had to flood them for allmost a week to wash it out to where the plants started to come back.
I had only used it on a couple plants,not all I was repotting that day.The ones without the seaweed meal were ok.
I think it might be good stuff to mix with compost as a mulch topper, where it can slowly wash into the soil but I'll never put it in potting soil again where it can come in direct contact with the roots.
In general I don't like putting anything but dolomite lime and bonemeal in my soil mix.
That way I can put whatever I think my plants need on them as they need it.
I know it's not because the water and heat that day made the slow release fertilizer go off all at once or that my plants need fertilizer because the slow release stuff isn't dissolving.
Besides messing with my plants keeps me out of trouble. :)

Now if any of the OG pepper peaps want to comment,I'd love to hear your thoughts on what I've stumbled upon.
Maybe,because I didn't know exactly what I was looking for,that this really hit home for me(when I first started growing). So I thought I would share with what I thought is my main problem from the get go.... TO MUCH LOVE'N

Hope this is accurate,and helps:)

I just re-read my post,and I don't see anywhere I posted claiming confusion...So umm sorry for the confusion? ;)

I was posting it because I thought it was very informative,and figured I would share. If anything, I was asking the people who have been around the block, if this was truthful.

At any rate,thx for your response!
Easy there tiger! I wasn't trying to jump down your throat. Just sounded like you weren't sure what you read but maybe I misunderstood.
Sorry if that come out the wrong way,but that post was not meant to be aggressive :?:

Again sorry and :cheers:
