powder-flake Pepperproblem`s dried pods get made into powder

So I acquired Pepperproblems dehydrator and wanted to finish the powder for next weekend`s Memorial. I`ve never made powder before, so here goes. 
How does anyone control how fine the powder ends up?

Obviously, I`m not sure of the pepper variety, but I`s say some sort of Scorpion, possibly Moruga blend.

Obviously, different grinders will be different in how fine they go, but for you, I think you are close. I think you needed to go another few times at spinning it around to be the most fine. In the picture, the fine stuff at the bottom is about right, where you can see some of the not so fines at the top, still also showing a hint of seeds. That too would have been just as fine with another couple of hits to the button. I have been watching, it is a good thing you are doing for a good friend of many people here. You know, I'd brobably be doing the same thing for one of my hot pepper buddies.
I just made about 4 trays of powder a few hours ago in time for tonight. Made my first Primo powder and will compare with some already made Reaper Dust. Tom
Sweet! Coarse or fine will be determined by what ginder you're using and how long you grind it. When I make flakes I just use the Food Processor...powder goes from the FP into the coffee grinder on the finest setting and then I run it at least twice in there. Gently rocking the grinder/FP from side to side while grinding will help make sure it all gets done right. If you're doing a bunch, don't run the grinder for too long. When mine starts to get hot, I go grab a beer and get on THP for a bit to let it cool down. You can also try adding some seasoning to the powder to make it a little more tame and flavor specific. I use different amounts of Salt, Garlic and Onion mainly (occasionally I will add some other stuff) to make more of a rub/hot salt out of it. Have fun! After a day or two of grinding peppers I feel like my whole body is on fire from it getting into the fabric I am wearing...ahhhh.

By the way...looks like you're going straight into the Coffee Grinder which is fine, but chopping them a little in a blender or FP first will let you get quite a bit more in there. If all you got is the grinder...fill it with pods and spin it just long enough to make some room and fill it with pods again...keep doing this until the grinder is maybe 1/3 full of flakes then spin it a couple cycles... 
I`ve done one tray so far and my skin is on fire, especially my face. I`m wearing a mask, gloves etc, but I`m going for the burn in a big way   :fireball:
Thanks for the tips, guys. Much appreciated. I bought a simple coffee grinder, so no settings, just on, pulse or off. At least it`s stainless, so should clean up easily. My Wife told me specifically NOT to use the food processor or the blender. And I had to do it in the garage, too. I thought that was a bunch of crap, but I`m glad I followed her instructions, now. :rolleyes:
Good call on the damp towel. I think I`m in so much pain I can`t think straight.
While grinding these peppers, I have to use a spoon on the inside of the grinder as there is so much oil it all cakes together. The powder itself starts of sweet and fruity, then blows the top of your head off. Holy crap, it`s hot.
You guys who make powders regularly are absolutely, 100% completely nuts. Certifiable. Insane.
I feel like I took a pint of moruga puree and washed my face with it.
I think i`m going to have to burn these clothes I`m wearing. They would contaminate the drinking water of the entire USA if I washed them.

Ok. 11oz of powder later.............Photo to follow.
I am on fire everywhere and dare not go to the bathroom. 

A good example of what all these dried pepper looked like,

And this is what i ended up with. I`ll put it through the grinder again tomorrow, but I`m sure as hell not doing it now.
Haha...I use a box fan on one end of the table blowing away from me...pulling air across the table. Do this in your garage with the fan pointing out the door. The damp towel works...but the fan will help too. Always use blue nitrile gloves too...not latex. If your powder is clumping that much dry them a bit longer. My thin walled pods take at least 18 hrs to dry properly at a temp of 105. Thick walled pods I dry for about 48 hours at 135. Hope this helps. I did two batches myself this weekend. Above all else...NEVER get frisky with mama on a powder day! She'll never forgive you...
stc3248 said:
Haha...I use a box fan on one end of the table blowing away from me...pulling air across the table. Do this in your garage with the fan pointing out the door. The damp towel works...but the fan will help too. Always use blue nitrile gloves too...not latex. If your powder is clumping that much dry them a bit longer. My thin walled pods take at least 18 hrs to dry properly at a temp of 105. Thick walled pods I dry for about 48 hours at 135. Hope this helps. I did two batches myself this weekend. Above all else...NEVER get frisky with mama on a powder day! She'll never forgive you...
Now that`s some damn good advice. I did wear blue nitrile gloves and every part of my arms above the wrist is on fire. The pods were part-dried by Shawn, then left to rehydrate a little for 6 weeks. I dried them for a further 60 hours at 105° before attempting this. I have to say, this powder is insanely hot, but I`m amazed how well it turned out given I`m a total rookie.
That last comment literally made me sneeze beer over the computer screen. Funniest thing I`ve heard in ages!
After reading through this thread I see you are getting some good, more detailed advice. I'm doing all of those tricks, but I hadn't done the wet towel or the fan deal. I found that just tapping the top of the grinder and waiting a few seconds before I slowly lit the lid seems to do pretty well for me, for the most part. I can sympathize, I'm exiled to the garage myself and last week, when I decided to do the powder about 3pm when it was 92F with close to 100% humidity outside, what little powder did get loose seemed to stick to my half sweaty face and burning everywhere, around my mask and glasses. And as it was already said, you would think taking a shower would be a good idea, which it is, but just keep your eyes closed until you have a good idea it is all washed off. For flakes, I don't even use a machine. The pods are dry enough that just mashing them with a spoon, or in large quantities, rolling pin type device works real well too. Have funwith your powder! And you thought eating fresh pods was the only painfull way to enjoy these things! :) After your whole body is on fire, stomach cramps don't seem half bad? Nawwwww
Good question. I originally thought Douglahs, then I thought Moruga blend, now I`m giving in and saying I have no idea. What I do know It is absolutely the hottest thing I`ve ever eaten.
I have fried my face on several occasions making powder. I too have been exiled to the garage. I open the garage doors, use a fan and wait approx 10 mins before opening the top on the grinder. Just walking in the house from the garage last year, there was some powder on my shirt and everyone inside started sneezing.