chinense Pepperlover`s Stuffing Scotch Bonnet

An exclusive from Judy at 
Get a load of this behemoth! Good grief, it`s huge! This is Judy`s Stuffing Scocth Bonnet and I was a bit worried it would be hot as well as gigantic.
The aromas were nice. Very fruity and a little sweet, with the typical C.chinense-style flavors you`d expect from a Scotch Bonnet. There was also a very Tomato-like aroma.
The flavors were wonderful. Very sweet, very fruity and very much like a Scotch Bonnet. The general flavors were a little dilute compared to a regular sized Scotch Bonnet, but given the size that isn't exactly surprising. Overall, this huge pod tastes like a sweet Scotch Bonnet, which is a really big plus! They really do taste fantastic!
The heat just wasn`t there. I was concerned it might blow the head off my shoulders, but in all honesty I could not detect any heat at all. That brings it within the realms of anyone and everyone who enjoys stuffed peppers. The flavors are so amazingly good, that if people knew about this pepper the sales of Bell peppers would drop dramatically overnight! And rightly so! 
Awesome review Nigel!!!  Cannot wait to get some of these seeds. You know I'm a huge SB fan!   I PM'd Judy and I'm sure she's about to get several more messages from others.  I hate to do it to her but inquiring minds need to know, lol.  
Sorry, I don`t know if Judy has them available yet.

Jamison said:
Awesome review Nigel!!!  Cannot wait to get some of these seeds. You know I'm a huge SB fan!   I PM'd Judy and I'm sure she's about to get several more messages from others.  I hate to do it to her but inquiring minds need to know, lol.  
Hey Jamison! If Judy wanted to keep it quite, she would`t send it to a big mouth like me?!?!?!?!?!?
Interesting comment about bell peppers. Siling Bilong peppers(Philippine sweet peppers), which I've just recently had, can be added to the "superior to any bell pepper" list. I need these Scotch Bonnets, though.
I got a few of these in my order from Pepper Lover in early Aug. It was purchased as a sweet scotch bonnet. I agree, this is a fantastic pepper with a great scotch bonnet taste, but was surprised by the lack of heat... and the size of this bonnet is enormous. I really liked the crispy, juicy texture when biting into it. I thought the flavor was sweet, bright, and on par with other scotch bonnets.
Your review really got my attention, just when I figured that I had way more sweet peppers than I needed for next years grow.
You come along and review another great sweet pepper from Judy. When I saw the pepper I thought wow the heat from that bonnet must be brutal, but no heat and sweet on top of that I wasn't expecting. It looks like I will have to buy it too along with 20 others I want from Judy.
Very Nice Nigel, another great review!
I guess the only downside to this would be, you would have to keep this plant isolated from other chinense plants to prevent cross breeding back in the heat for next gen plantings. Or maybe just get new seeds from Judy the following season ;)
Hawaiianero said:
I guess the only downside to this would be, you would have to keep this plant isolated from other chinense plants to prevent cross breeding back in the heat for next gen plantings. Or maybe just get new seeds from Judy the following season ;)
Well, in an ideal world we`d all do that with every variety! However, Judy is always there with good seeds, thankfully!
I grew some 2 years ago, but unfortunately the seeds were crossed (smaller and hot fruits).
Did anyone grew them and had the original peppers on the plant?
I'm growing it from original Pepperlover seeds this year after I saw Nigels review. No germination yet though...
Nigel, you should really start doing reviews again!  :pray: They are the best!