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Pepper Plants Galore (Dial Up Beware)

OK.....I have been busy this year, and have not posted much so far. But I am going to make it up right now. 309 Plants. 53 different varities.
I only had 2 Fatilis make it on the over wintering.




7Pof & Trinidad Scorpions
Those are some healthy looking plants.

How do you over-winter your plants? I ask because I have yet to try and was thinking about doing this with a few this year.
Pepperfreak said:
Those are some healthy looking plants.

How do you over-winter your plants? I ask because I have yet to try and was thinking about doing this with a few this year.

Yeah what is the best way? Great plants i started to drool when i saw your 7's
Looking very healthy there sly ;)

As for overwintering guys i thought you just hack the plant off right down near the base and apply a wax seal on the cut to stop rotting.
After that just keep in a cool dark place and don't water.

When you are ready for it to come back to life give it light, a good drink and maybe a little superthrive.
Yes, nice rainwater collection. How big is that thing - coupla 100 gallons?

Oh, and plants look very happy. You won't be able to see the stakes soon.
caroltlw said:
Yes, nice rainwater collection. How big is that thing - coupla 100 gallons?

Oh, and plants look very happy. You won't be able to see the stakes soon.

I have just over 1000 gallons in rain water. Just in case of another Drought, and with over 300 plants, it helps.
Silver_Surfer said:
Nice pepper patch. What is your rain barrel made from?

The Rain Barrels are plastic with Steel Cages. They held Weed killer at one time. Got them for free from a Farmer. He had 20 of them. I only got a couple.
slyone1000 said:
They held Weed killer at one time...

:shocked: I hope you found a way to clean that chemical residue out thoroughly.I suppose you did since the plants are doing great. I'd love to score a water barrel like that for cheap.
chilliman said:
I see you have a problem with weeds ;)

The 1st pic does look like there may be a couple in the bottom right of the pic :lol:

Great job with the bountiful and healthy selection of plants slyone1000!!