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fermenting Pepper Mash Ferment Spoiled? :-0

The mash smells nice and well-fermented, but has white stuff on it, plz take a look at the picture.
Is it fine to make a sauce from??!!  :confused:  :tear:


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AzJon said:
It kinda looks like Kahm yeast.
What was your salt % and do you know the pH? As long as your salt % was good and the pH went down, you should be fine.
Assuming everything went well, it's probably the Kahm which is totaly safe, but can lend off flavors. You can always scrape the top layer of the mash off if you're concerned.
I have added lots of salt, but didn't count how much. No pH meter here too :)
portveyn said:
I have added lots of salt, but didn't count how much. No pH meter here too :)
You're probably fine.
Flat and flaky = kahm
bumpy and fuzzy = mold.
But seriously. Weigh your total mash weight and add salt-by-mass(weight). Not enough and you risk nasties. Too much and you can kill the fermentation. Plus, then you know what possible variables are off and why you might be getting funkies in your ferment.
I find with mash-ferments, you need to agitate the mash daily, mostly to degas, but also to move the bits around. Try to shake it so the mash on the surface reincorporates into the total mash. Long exposure to the surface gives kahm a chance to take hold.
AzJon said:
You're probably fine.
Flat and flaky = kahm
bumpy and fuzzy = mold.
But seriously. Weigh your total mash weight and add salt-by-mass(weight). Not enough and you risk nasties. Too much and you can kill the fermentation. Plus, then you know what possible variables are off and why you might be getting funkies in your ferment.
I find with mash-ferments, you need to agitate the mash daily, mostly to degas, but also to move the bits around. Try to shake it so the mash on the surface reincorporates into the total mash. Long exposure to the surface gives kahm a chance to take hold.
Great thoughts and post.  
Thank you guys!
It did spread more and now definitely looks like the kahm yeast. Also smells & tastes good and ready! The sauce will be bottled today.
A kitchen scale and a pH meter are on my shopping list, I just keep moving a lot lately, can't settle :D