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Pepper ID

I have this C. Chinense plant this year, found them at a local grocery store in a little plastic container, they were moldy as hell and out of 12 pods, three were ripe. Anyway, they were large, and light green colored and ripened to yellow then orange then red. I figured, I'll buy them (even though I can't eat them seeing as they are already eaten by mold) and then grow them this year and see what I get.

I have no idea what the flavor or heat is like, but I finally have some pods to show.

First of all, this is the most weirdest C. Chinense I have ever grown, early on it was pretty apparent this was a very different variety than anything else I was growing just based on the seedlings leaves.

The leaves are retardedly elongated but still wide like your typical C. Chinense

They are also the most picky C. Chinense I have grown in respect to flowering... Every variety I have grown will put out flowers even in the most hottest area of the grow room, but these little suckers refused to even bloom!

As soon as I put them outside though, different story... They started doing just as well as any other plant this year and the pods they are producing are sort of elongated and wedge shaped, about 1 1/2 - 2 inches long, 1 inch wide and light green colored pods (Like a Caribbean Red for example).

Most of the pods look like this


A few look like this (same plant) I take this as normal pod variation

If anyone has grown this type before and knows the name, I would be very grateful. Thanks :)
After looking around, I think they may be Aji Chombo's -->


From thechileman.org pepper database...


Species: Chinense Origin: Panama Heat: Very hot
Add to my growing list

A Scotch Bonnet type from Panama which is used extensively in South America and the Caribbean for making hot sauces. These very pungent peppers are very hard to get hold of in the UK, but are a must for anyone who likes to make their own 'authentic' sauce.