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Peperone di Senise?

Thanks! I believe that's exactly the one...Do they have any heat at all? I'm looking for a tapered pod, mild-to-medium Italian type. My wife wants the ones she saw David Rocco using on his "Dolce Vita" TV show...
Hi Gary!
Peperone di Senise is also known as Peperone Crusco when dried.
Is sweet and delicious, a well known italian heirloom variety from Basilicata region.
They have thin skin and a low water content so are very nice to dry/powder or fry.


I've no seeds sorry! Maybe some italian fellow can help :)


I believe there at least a couple of spicy ones...?

Sure, check for "Calabrese" types ;)
Calabria is a well known italian region for hot peppers.
Also there are many other hybrids developed here.
An excellent example is Azienda Stuard, check the site (maybe with some help from google translator, the english site seems buggy):



Wow, thanks! I can't get past that banner photo on the front page. What I wouldn't give to be resting under one of those trees right now....
