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media Peat Pot Soil


I have used the burpee starter peat pots earlier this year and realized at least six reasons I will never use them again. And I wont go into that right now...BUT, I was wondering if it may be a good idea to cut them into very small pieces to mix into the soil now that I am done with them. The theory being the soil will hold more moisture and nutrients (I use containers). Maybe for my other vegatables too?
not sure about it hold moisture, but you can cut them up and throw them in the garden, overtime they should break down over time.
A good suggestion for seed starting is using the red solo cups. I use them all the time and reuse them over an over again.

I think those pots were meant once you ready to transplant just burry the whole things and the roots will eventuall busted out and the pot will degraded over time.

I hope this answers your questions
Back when i used jiffy pods and when i was finished or if nothing took hold i would crumble and add to the compost pile.
Now I'm using rapid rooters and am having insane germ rates compared to jiffy pods.
I start all my seeds in these jiffy trays using MG peat based seed starter mix, I tried several different mixes MG seemed to be the most consistent starter mix, after they get 3rd true set I move em to solo cups.
Jiffy peat pots take an age to breakdown and stunt the early root growth of chilli's in my experience. I have just looked at some I tore up while soaking wet and put into a couple of pots last June. Guess what?? The pieces have not broken down much at all. Imagine if this was still wrapped tight around the roots of a chilli plant??

I can imagine an ultra vigorous root system would simply smash them apart but for chilli's stay well clear in my opinion

Why are solo cups so good to use?

Cheap and disposable

Back when i used jiffy pods and when i was finished or if nothing took hold i would crumble and add to the compost pile.
Now I'm using rapid rooters and am having insane germ rates compared to jiffy pods.

Jiffy Peat pots are a different product to Jiffy pods/pellets

Jiffy Peat Pots


Jiffy Peat Pellet

(Both Borrowed images from the net apologies if they are yours!!)
Why are solo cups so good to use?
I use styrofoam but same idea:
1. bigger means more water retention. This means you won't come home to dead seedlings that dried out. More room for error both ways.
2. bigger means you wait to repot. they get a little older before you replant.
3. How the hell do you label peat pellets and pots? with a cup you use a pen on the side.
4. cheap. really if you drink coffee you can collect the cups overtime and stick it to the man. The pellet man.

It is just easier.
I use styrofoam but same idea:
1. bigger means more water retention. This means you won't come home to dead seedlings that dried out. More room for error both ways.
2. bigger means you wait to repot. they get a little older before you replant.
3. How the hell do you label peat pellets and pots? with a cup you use a pen on the side.
4. cheap. really if you drink coffee you can collect the cups overtime and stick it to the man. The pellet man.

It is just easier.
Alright smarties
how many times have you seen a label attached to a pellet? How is it attached? Most adhesives won't stick to wet netting and peat and so after a week it will fall off. Tie it perhaps around the pellet? if the pellet shrinks it will fall off. Stabbing the pellet might work so I guess I was wrong.

Sharpie on a pellet? Peat pots are moist and dirty. If the sharpie doesn't bleed I will concede my error and still use cups.

I hope you guys are just having fun. Not saying you can't do any of the things you listed but isn't it obvious that a cup is easier to write on? With names like trippa and datil daddy people will be surprised to find out you are nitpicky girls. Aren't there dolly sites you can post on?

Yeah i went there

It also reminds me that wet peat pots can fall apart if moved too often.
Sharpie on a peat pot before you wet it, at first planting. No bleed. I wouldnt try on a pellet, though. Works for me all the time. But yes, cups are way easier and I no longer use the pots anyway.

Why are solo cups so good to use?

I asked this because I thought there might be a really good reason or secret I could be let in on. If so, do you put in drainage holes somehow?
Crap now you are making me feel bad. I'm sorry for calling you a girl.

Trippa, on the other hand, is too busy with her training bra to say anything.
DatilDaddy, on 13 June 2012 - 05:21 PM, said:

Why are solo cups so good to use?

I asked this because I thought there might be a really good reason or secret I could be let in on. If so, do you put in drainage holes somehow?
So again I use styrofoam cups and shove a pencil throught the bottom several times. This is how I do it:

take cup poke holes in the bottom. Not little holes either push that pencil all the way through. Label and fill with promix BX.Spray with warm water or let soak in shallow water or do both. repeat untill I have all the cups I want. Pour a layer of vermiculite and spray with hydrogen peroxide. Place seed on vermiculite and pour layer of vermiculite on top of seed. Spray with hydrogen peroxide. Place ziplock snack bag over the top of cup and put on warming mat. Voila'
Crap now you are making me feel bad. I'm sorry for calling you a girl.

Trippa, on the other hand, is too busy with her training bra to say anything.

Sorry I was just getting my wifes bra on now so I am ready to answer your question and fulfill your frosty fetish :rofl: ;)

Plastic labels simply slide down between the netting and the medium once the Jiffy pellet is expanded. The plastic label is then able to be used in the bigger pots once you transplant as well so you could argue it saves time ;)

The same plastic labels can also be utilised in the jiffy pots by simply placing them between the pot and the medium. Genius isn't it??

Not to mention at the end of the summer season with whatever plants you decide not to keep you simply take the labels out of the pots rinse them off and use a little methelated spirits/turpentine/ or iso alcohol to take the written label off and wallah you have next years labels all fresh and ready to write on again.

Can I take this bra off yet the underwire is irritating my skin :hell: ;) :rofl:
I have found that rubbing alchohol will take permanent marker off of anything. Just thought of something to add; I actually thought you meant the red plastic solo cups, hence the confusion. I now totally get it.
pellets suck

Jiffy peat pots take an age to breakdown and stunt the early root growth of chilli's in my experience. I have just looked at some I tore up while soaking wet and put into a couple of pots last June. Guess what?? The pieces have not broken down much at all. Imagine if this was still wrapped tight around the roots of a chilli plant??

I can imagine an ultra vigorous root system would simply smash them apart but for chilli's stay well clear in my opinion

Cheap and disposable

Jiffy Peat pots are a different product to Jiffy pods/pellets

Jiffy Peat Pots


Jiffy Peat Pellet

(Both Borrowed images from the net apologies if they are yours!!)
I don't like peat pots the roots always seem to have a tough time with em at first.