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ow ow ow hot hot hot

The official Guiness Book holder is the Red Savina(570,000 SHU), but the world's hottest is the Dorest Nagas(clocking in at 923,000 SHU).
Actually, that's not quite right, Jonathan.

The bhut jalakia or bih jolokia, clocked in, according to frontal agritech of Assam India, at 1,041,427 SHUs. I've got some arriving sometime over the next 48 hours... I'll give you my assessment when they get here.

Frankly though, I stand by my original assessment. Given the fluctuations of SHU from one pepper to the next, there is only one correct response to the question posed and that is; C. Chinense.

Tina Brooks said:
The bhut jalakia or bih jolokia, clocked in, according to frontal agritech of Assam India, at 1,041,427 SHUs. I've got some arriving sometime over the next 48 hours... I'll give you my assessment when they get here.
I've never heard about that one, is it newly descovered? And where can I get seeds?
Tina Brooks said:
haha, you guys and your "where can I get the seeds"...

Muso is selling it at hotternell.com

You're welcome.
"Bih Jolokia, Naga Jolokia, Naga Morich, Tezpur are all other names for this pepper, and there are more...! "

I already have that as the Naga Morich... what's going on here? :mouthonfire:
imaguitargod said:
"Bih Jolokia, Naga Jolokia, Naga Morich, Tezpur are all other names for this pepper, and there are more...! "

I already have that as the Naga Morich... what's going on here? :mouthonfire:

The high priced yuppy hot sauce market is melding with the low priced ethnic hot sauce market.

There's bound to be more. It's a big planet.

The more I learn about peppers, Jon, the more I am discovering that there really only are 5 or 6 different peppers. Chinenses, Frutescens, Baccatums, Annuums... you get the idea.

imaguitargod said:
"Bih Jolokia, Naga Jolokia, Naga Morich, Tezpur are all other names for this pepper, and there are more...! "

I already have that as the Naga Morich... what's going on here? :P

Plagarism, Plagarism!! That quote looks REALLY familiar.... LOL!! I can give you a few more names for it, but we'd be here debating for awhile. ;-)