overwintering Overwinter In Colorado

How do you overwinter in a cold climate?  I'd imagine I can't leave them outside.  Do I prune them just the same?  How much light over the winter?  Any advise would be appreciated.  Thank you.
First year went ok for me.
dig em up, trim/top as needed see here
Rinse the roots and put in new soil. (I didnt do this last year and I got fungus gnats, I started with 7 OW's and was able to save 2).
Then just place near a window, preferably in another room from your grow room (just in case.....aphids). South window preferably but i put mine in a west facing window and it did just fine. Left it there all winter until ready to go outside in spring.
Water accordingly, use the lift technique they dont need much, until they start to come back to life, then they will need more water.  I think i gave mine about 8oz-12oz every saturday. Then doubled once it started filling out. 
Easy peasy.
heres mine in feb

I'll do more extreme topping this year. Good Luck!