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OMG...Is that really NOVA????

I couldn't resist........He's going to kill me i'm sure....:D

But it's worth it......

Ladies and Gentlemen.....I give you.......THE NOVA

I didn't know he had a cat.
A few things I've noticed already;
1. Missing a 'fro pick.
2. His nipples are unusually high on his chest.
3. Why the hell do you have a picture of Nova as he's just waking up?!?!?!
imaguitargod said:
A few things I've noticed already;
1. Missing a 'fro pick.
2. His nipples are unusually high on his chest.
3. Why the hell do you have a picture of Nova as he's just waking up?!?!?!

Moy having a sleepover with David Hassellhoff.........FAIL!

Salute', TB.
imaguitargod said:
A few things I've noticed already;
1. Missing a 'fro pick.
2. His nipples are unusually high on his chest.
3. Why the hell do you have a picture of Nova as he's just waking up?!?!?!

texas blues said:
Moy having a sleepover with David Hassellhoff.........FAIL!

Salute', TB.

The silly bugger gave me access to his facebook...:D

DickT said:
added to file, this is going to be a good one

Just the man I wanted to see on this thread.....Do with it what you will Dick...

millworkman said:
I was waiting for him to comment on this but I guess he is just too ashamed.

He doesn't have internet at hom ATM but he should be on in the next hour or so.....
Well, in my defence a lot of alcohol and :high: was consumed to get me looking that good. I give to you "Sober Nova"...

AND "Idiot Nova"

Got one thing to say though- BLOODY FACEBOOK!
This was payback..........You haven't seen the amount of pics that are floating around here that are a direct result of Nova...:lol:
moyboy said:
This was payback..........You haven't seen the amount of pics that are floating around here that are a direct result of Nova...:lol:

The man is very industrious ain't he? Why lay around and wait and watch it on the internet happening to somebody else. Better to be at the center of a swirling cesspool of photoshopped lies and innuendo that only cause heartache, woe, and gnashing of teeth. Good times.

Salute', TB.