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O Pos My newest Sauce


A couple of weeks ago I got a nice care package form Scoville deville and Chili Juju, everyone needs to have some friends like these 2. In it were 3 packages of these wonderful dried whole pods. Since I have only made sauces from fresh pods I thought that this was a great opportunity to give it a shot. So, here are the players for this sauce


Chili California
Chili Pasilla Entero
Chili New Mexico Picoso
Sun Dried Tomatoes
Sweet Onion
Hungaran Hot paprika
Rice Vinegar
Key Lime Juice


Soaked the Dried peppers in hot water for 48 hours so that they were nice and rehydrated.


Sliced and diced all ingredients then everything into the pot. Brought the pot to a boil for 15 minutes then reduced to a simmer for 45 minutes.


Great blender with 3 rows of blades and 1100 watts that will hack and chop everything to tiny bits


Just look at the consistency right brom the blender.


Poured through a sieve to get the seeds out and heating in the pot to 200 degrees F.


Nice coating


All bottled up, dressed and ready to go.


The close up.

The sauce has a great overall pepper flavor. Can't pick the flavors out individually. Heat is about the Cayenne level but as my pepper plants start to produce pods and I can dry some out future batches will have a better heat level. Going to give it a week for the flavors to et all happy together but the color is off the charts nice.

Cheers Y'all,
You're too kind, ACTUALLY, everyone needs a friend like you!
Yeah, I am digin the color, and I can only imagine the flavor.

Once again, RM, you have dazzled us!!!

First, the sauce looks beautiful. That's some deep sauce.

Secondly, do you think dehydrated pods lose much flavor/heat? I'm only asking because I am about to plunge into a major pepper drying operation and am nervous to lose any of the good stuff but thought it was the easiest way to store a huge harvest.
First, the sauce looks beautiful. That's some deep sauce.

Secondly, do you think dehydrated pods lose much flavor/heat? I'm only asking because I am about to plunge into a major pepper drying operation and am nervous to lose any of the good stuff but thought it was the easiest way to store a huge harvest.

No, I don't believe that drying pods causes heat loss. I have tasted hot powders that flat set my mouth on fire. The peppers I used in this sauce were not superhots. The hotest ones pretty much had the heat level of a Cayenne. I made a smaller batch for Scovies wing challenge and used some Yellow Scorpion powder in it and that lit it up very nicely. So, have no fear in drying your peppers.
