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fertilizer Nutrient and Fertilizer Help For Newbie

I'm new to this site and actually growing hot peppers, and really need some help on nutrient help. I with some luck had 2 each of the reaper,ghost and scorpion peppers sprout, they are about from 1-3" tall and have them under LED lights, basic cheap ones for now and a cheap heating pad. I was wondering what to fertilize them and when. I just don't want to kill them as I have been lucky so far.I am really starting to like this hobby and right now just trying to figure out exactly what I need to expand this.

I really learned a lot so far on here and any help on this would be great..

A. Start a glog with some photos.  http://thehotpepper.com/forum/27-glogs/
2.  If you are growing them in decent dirt you probably will not need anything until they have depleted the soil.  With peppers less is often more.  
III. Fertilizers like fish emulsion are a good place to start, if you can stand the smell.  It has been my experience that it's much easier to burn plants with synthetics.  For synthetics, I use the FoxFarm Big Bloom, Grow Big and Tiger Bloom.  
Buy some Miracle Grow Tomato fert and grow PLENTY of pods
It "can" be really that simple,or drop alot of coin chasing the big dogs that end up with 12 more pods at seasons end
Still a rookie @ 7yrs so take it for what its worth(yes I still like fish sauce)
TNKS I like how you think, I'm just starting out and I want to keep it simple. Speaking of soil,what works best,ihave them in seed starter mix.
Malarky,can you give me a link to the soil sticky, can't seem to find it,but your lost helped a lot, not sure if I want to put them in the ground or container them.

Have you had any luck growing them?

Canes1 said:
Malarky,can you give me a link to the soil sticky, can't seem to find it,but your lost helped a lot, not sure if I want to put them in the ground or container them.
Have you had any luck growing them?
I've just germinated my seeds and got them into the Ocean forest mix. Couple of seedlings have emerged but I don't have any solid experience with the Ocean forest Mix yet. I'm optimistic though.
I started 2 each of the ghost,reaper and scorpion in plain seed starting mix about a month ago and they are doing great some have 4-6+ leaves. Going to get the ocean forest mix to transplant them when they are ready, not sure into what yet......thanks for the link,I found it this morning.I'm just winging it lol
as others have suggested fish/seawwed based furts are great-they are organic so ph is less of an issue
I just use pre-fertalised soil(pleagron growmix/ batmix) and about 3 weeks in i add some slow release tablets(biotabs) but you can use whatever brand u like-this way u just water with plain water and dont worry about ph or any tricky stuff
good luck
oh and start a glog asap so we can all watch