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not sure what it is

hello all

i bought this plant from my local nursery and it was called a pepper plant. i like this plant and want to find seeds to grow it again, so i was hoping someone might be able to tell me what the plants actual name is so i may find the seeds online. any help will be greatly appreciated.



thanks for the greetings. when i bought the plant 6 weeks ago it had flowers but they all dropped. Still hoping it will flower again. I am new to this as we just moved to a new house that has the room to grow. I love the super hots but the edible ornamental s are so kool  to watch and grow.
i am hooked and am planning on growing inside through the cold winter here in canada
I have a couple Chinese 5 color that look like that, but it could also be Bolivian Rainbow or Purple Flash. I also have a black pearl, but it's much darker than yours.