Not a Thunder Mountain Longhorn

Hey guys,
I haven't been very active here lately, life got in the way. I am growing peppers of course! I came back to share some pictures of these awesome pepper plants with you.
As the title says they're supposed to be Thunder Mountain Longhorns, but they look far from it. I planted four seeds, two of which turned out normal and two turned out this way.
The leaves are mottled and variegated. Some anthocyanin here and there. It looks pretty awesome, but I have no idea where it got these genes from. The only variegated pepper I've grown is the Fish pepper, and that was back in 2016. I think I grew some TML that season and saved some OP seeds. But even if that was the case, it wouldn't explain the purple hue.
I tried to add pictures in the normal way but the forum doesn't allow me to use imgur for some reason. I also couldn't use the forums own system because my file sizes were too big. So I added them to a Google Photos collage, and here is the link:
Sorry about that. 
I'll try to post some updates every few weeks.
Very unique looking foliage b3rnd.  Fish pepper comes to mind of course, but you're right in that wouldn't explain the purple mottling evident.  Hope they grow well with you and you end up a tasty attractive cross!  :)
The leaves are more intriguing by the day. Look at the purple hue in the upper left corner where the white variegation is.
I grew a bunch of rainforest tricolor plants last year that looked exactly like that. Any blooms on it yet that you can take a picture of?
No flowers yet, Ed. I'll keep updating as it grows. I've never heard of that pepper before, it looks pretty awesome!