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Next Year's Grow... Summer 2013. Updated and need more advice

I have 10 large pots. No garden space unfortunately. I start my superhots indoors in early November because of the Canadian climate.

The tentative list so far is

1) 7 Pod Brown - Judy
2) Burmese Naga - JungleRain
3) Brain Strain - From the Man Himself :)
4) Chocolate Naga - romy6

#5 is troublesome... I am 90% leaning towards the BB Douglah but I have some orange Primo seeds from semillas.. thing is, they aren't guaranteed to be orange. With my list... I need suggestions between those two or the suggestion for another super hot. I did get some Peach Bhut seeds but they will have to wait until 2014.

HELP! :)
Bhut jolokias are thin walled and are not hard to turn into powder. I did it last year and plan to this year.
I recommend AjiJoes Peach Bhut Jolokia. It's the best tasting superhot that I have found. Very unique flavor, great balance of heat and flavor and should dry very well.

The Brown 7 is also a great pepper to try and grow. It's is crazy hot but for some reason the small amount of flavor that makes it through has a nice mellow earthy tone.

I did not like the flavor of the PDN but the plants is so beautiful it makes up for it. Others have said they like the flavor so it may have just be the one I tried.
i love
aji Lemon drop (those are not that hot but taste so good!

personally next year i should grow

about 50 super hot (7 pot, scops, bhut, and some other cross) and about the same annuum for family consumption (jalapeno, anaheim, sweet, cayenne, cherry bomb etc...) and dont forget tomatoes and cucumber! it's so good fresh veggies from the garden!
I always have one or two for family consumption, usually a piri-piri for versatility, tepin for salsa, and next year a Biker Billy for stuffing. That is 3 of the 10 pots, so 7 left. Will double up on the Naga, 7 Brown, and Peach Bhut with one remaining spot for the de Neyde or something else.
I have 2 of Aji Joes peach bhuts.1 is red podded after ripening the other is still peach after a long time.
Peach one is a lot more productive than the red one though both are peach coloured before ripening.
Haven't tasted either yet.

I'd grow a C. Pubescent for #5.
Almost everything as far as super hots goes that I've traded for turns out to be something crossed and even the nursery stuff I bought wasn't what I paid for.

Red Habs sold for $8.00 as Bhuts , Ya they were in #10 pots and big plants but they still sucked.

Only thing I got from the nursery so far that grew ok was scotch bonnets.

BUT mine are yellow/orange while plants I got for others from the same grower were red.
Both have the TRUE Scotch Bonnet pod shape,taste and heat.
I've got my TFM scotch bonnets and Foodoramas growing too.
Along with my stand by True Scotch Bonnets from other sources.
On second thought,Grow a #6,Scotch Bonnets are cool too.
Trinidad Moruga Scorpion tastes really good, not just blazing heat but flavor. This is the pepper that renewed my faith in peppers and I bet it would be tasty in powder. Now, this is an opinion from someone who has next to no experience with superhots. But since you only have limited space it might be something to consider.
I'm growing ( well, trying to anyway ;-) ) :
2 trinidad scorpion butch-t's.
2 moruga's.
2 yellow 7 pods.
1 douglah 7 pod.
1 red 7 pod.
Those are inside with room for probably 2 more.
I've loved using dried butch-t's in my chili pepper grinder. I use it on all kinds of foods. The taste is great & the heat is as hot as anybody needs.
How about some good cayenne variant???
I dunno... smh
It isn't superhot, and it isn't thin walled, but for I really like Aji Amarillo. A Peruvian C. Baccatum variety with mid-high heat and a nice fruit flavor. Pods are big and dry nicely, great for stews dried, or salsas fresh.

How are things in Alberta?? Did you have a good grow this year?

That's not a bad idea about the yellow Brain... is the difference in the yellow that much?

carolina reaper ;) morouga ?

you can also put 2 or 3 plants in the same pot... why not put 2 or 3 annuum since they grow less big...

biker billy jalapeno, cayenne and maybe poblano or fresno for stuffing
Good choice. My yellow brains from pepperlover have a banana tropical smell once cut open and taste so good. And they are hotter than one would think. Some have been down right painful, but you keep eating them because they taste so good. Plus a yellow to mix with the red and browns. I also bought the orange primos. Looking forward to growing them out.
Take care
i had a really good 2012 season but it is an el nina summer which means higher humidity and over all warmer temps in the summer. all good stuff set a side, if i wasn't a stay at home dad, most of my stuff would be dead. being able to react quickly to weather changes has helped keep my plants alive. but will change soon as i will have to take a job and in the oil patch that means long hours and little time for growing. you probably know from news forecast that i have had snow and freezing weather, so all my plants are inside. just had my first quintisho, sadly the cumari only has 1 small pod. 2013 looks like it will be same as 2012 with all the overwintered plants i have, maybe i can sell some on kijiji to make room for new plants. the tepin, that is several years old is bursting with pods, this will be the second time for pod producing for that plant.

i don't know much about yellow brains other that what i read here from all our great members.

a few years ago, i went through the "i have to have yellow and brown" thing. everything yellow and chocolate. yellow bhuts, yellow bonnets, fatalii, datil, bonda ma jacques(brains didn't exist then). none of my yellow bhuts or chocolates produced. all the yellow bhuts died even after 2 years and though the chocolates have survived i only saw a few flowers this year - know idea what is wrong with them. the chocolate hab has given me nice pods but the flavour is that of a red habanero, not my favourite taste. the bonda ma jacques plant is dead but the pods it gave me where boring and after talking with the source it is questionable that the seeds were even bondas. no datil pods perhaps next year.

but of all my plants, my yellow 7 pots from pepperlover have to be my favourite. yes they are hot, but if you can just get past the hot, the flavour is what sets them apart. you always want to fall back on the "citrus" flavour but i don't think that was it, they are sweet, perhaps sweet pineapple, it was too hard to tell as the swirling heat kicks in fast but the taste is rememberable and lingering.

i have yellow scorpions(from pepperlover) and though they are nice plants, i don't think they have that same flavour as the yellow 7's. the scorps appear hotter but just not the same intense flavour. i am still waiting for the next batch of scorps to ripen, they have wicked stingers, perhaps i can fight through the heat and "savour the flavour". i have a nephew driving out to see me from london, ont in a week or so, they hang with some local jamaicans and are into the hot pepper thing. perhaps i can get him to buy the case of beer and i will supply the peppers and do that stupid taste tester thing.

good growing in 2013 Conor.