seeds Next gen seeds.

moruga welder said:
stir them ever couple days , when good and dry , store in a zip lock with strain name and store in the crisper drawer 
Aw Frank, I'd never heard the refrigerator bit, ancient Chinese secret? I've been stuffing mine into a Crown Royal bag that hangs in the studio...
Is it a preservation issue? Prolongs viability? Makes for cold tolerant plants? 
I know that I sound like I'm giving you da bidnez, but I'm really curious...
stettoman said:
Aw Frank, I'd never heard the refrigerator bit, ancient Chinese secret? I've been stuffing mine into a Crown Royal bag that hangs in the studio...
Is it a preservation issue? Prolongs viability? Makes for cold tolerant plants? 
I know that I sound like I'm giving you da bidnez, but I'm really curious...
秘密. lol ! I germed seeds this year that was 4 years old . Viabilty my friend :)
Storing in a fridge is great for longevity, but there's potentially a little extra care involved too.  Keeping the container air-tight is important. Also, a potential issue is if you remove the container from the fridge there's a risk in opening it right away as the cold seeds will be exposed to more humid air and condense moisture onto themselves (not a problem with seeds you're germinating right away), so if you're removing a few seeds and putting the rest back it's good to take care - such as letting the still-sealed seeds adjust to room temperature before opening to prevent condensation or simply operating quickly and squeezing all the air out of the baggie before putting the seeds back. I plan to start keeping my seeds in the fridge this year.  I currently keep them in an air-type Pelican case with good longevity, but better is better so the whole thing's going into the fridge for future storage.
stettoman said:
Aw Frank, I'd never heard the refrigerator bit, ancient Chinese secret? I've been stuffing mine into a Crown Royal bag that hangs in the studio...
Is it a preservation issue? Prolongs viability? Makes for cold tolerant plants? 
I know that I sound like I'm giving you da bidnez, but I'm really curious...
even the freezer won't hurt , We had a freezing ass below sub arctic winter last yr. ( as you know , your even more so ) 
and had alleppos pop up in the garden and grow out and produce , simply from pods that fell and seeds froze into the soil 
I just cut out the placenta with seeds attached, wrap everything in a paper towel, place in a regular envelope and store in a dry place.
I germinated seeds this year from plants I grew in 2015.
alkhall said:
I just cut out the placenta with seeds attached, wrap everything in a paper towel, place in a regular envelope and store in a dry place.
I germinated seeds this year from plants I grew in 2015.

