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News: Pepperfire to set fire to their new Establishment

Looks what Google News dropped on my doorstep this morning :)
Nice article!

Brooks Pepperfire Foods to Set Fire to Their New Establishment During St. Jean Baptiste Festivities?

For Immediate Release:

“Not to worry”, says the Peppermaster, Greg Brooks, President of Brooks Pepperfire Foods, “We’re not setting fire to the porch, we’ll be selling barbecue Peppersticks on that day so our customers and others will have the unique opportunity to sample our sauces and to launch our new table toppers!”

Peppersticks, as Brooks Pepperfire Foods calls them, are the Peppermaster’s own creation. They are a souvlaki-like creation of chicken or beef grilled on a skewer, slathered in one of the Peppermaster’s hot sauces. The table toppers are a pair of hot sauces designed to be left on the table with the salt and pepper shakers.

Residents of Rigaud can stop by and learn just what exactly goes on in the red brick building. The doors will be open all day long from the beginning of festivities on June 23rd, through the 25th. Peppermaster is taking advantage of the holiday to launch their new table-ready sauces, named “Big Fire” and “Little Fire”. The two sauces are the result of customer demand for table-ready sauces that can be left on the table, both at home and in restaurants. “Little Fire” is as the name describes, a barely hot, by chilihead standards, in other words, it is slightly hotter than the American brand Tabasco sauce that decorates many restaurant tables and is shunned for its lack of heat by chiliheads. Big Fire is the table ready sauce that chiliheads the world over have been asking for and is exceptionally hot.

“Peppermaster will be softening down the sauces to show how they can be used as a spice-paste and thus eaten by anyone. This will mostly be for the benefit of those who can’t handle the heat”, says Tina Brooks, VP Marketing, “For the chiliheads, we’ll be slathering those sauces on at full force! As for the new table toppers, we thought this was just a fun way to launch them, and if I have my way, they’ll be the sauce brought to us chiliheads when we ask for the hot sauce in any restaurant in Canada.”

Big Fire and Little Fire hot sauces like the Peppermaster line are all-natural hot sauces and are made with only the finest sourced ingredients. Light on the vinegar, both sauces do what hot sauces are designed to do; add heat to food without making the food taste like vinegar.

Peppermaster sauces are available on the web at http://www.peppermaster.com Big Fire and Little Fire hot sauces will be available on the web starting on June 23, 2005.

Brooks Pepperfire Foods Inc. was established in 2004.
Nevermind then. Thought I saw you once quote that you check GoogleNews on topics like "Hot Sauce". So I assumed you had "GoogleNews Alerts" emailed to you also.
Geez, I get a little busy and you guys break MY news! lol.

And what do you mean you didn't get an email... didn't you put your name on our mailing list???

BTW... Mr. SweatnSpice... Canada Post tells me you got a package from these parts... save me an email... Did someone else grab it on you, I haven't heard any screams of pain or moans of ecstacy yet.

Tina - Yep, we did get them, though the wife forgot to tell me about the package for a few days, but we got them in one piece. I've got to fly to the West coast tomorrow, so that should give me ample time to write an in depth review. I just have one complaint - the jars are too tiny! :-) I emptied the Hurricane Mash first and then moved onto the Fusion Fire. Did you say you have something hotter?
You're a freak! LOL

The Hurricane is as hot as we can make... If you or anyone else knows of peppers hotter than those, let's have at'em. We'll make it hotter if we can, but we won't use anything but fresh peppers.

I can't wait to read your review... let me know when it's up.

As for the size of the jars... I did send "samples" lol, the Hurricane normally comes in a 190 ml (6+oz) and the Fusion and Curry normally come in a 250 ml (8+oz).

You know where to find more. ;)

I suppose you're right... My freaky isn't as freaky as yours, or maybe it's more so... My tastebuds aren't anywhere near perma burned, but every day I'm hoping to get closer and closer. ;)