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new problem with my pepper plants

I dont know what is wrong with my plants, one thing I do know it is not bugs of any sort. If anyone could help that would be super.
I have lost 2 plants so far and I have not done anything different. this is happening to 4 different plants (jonah, fatalii, ghost, brainstrain) two that I lost and two that i am posting pictures for
The problems are the leaf dropping off, it first starts with new ones and eventually it moves to the older ones
plant number 1 the entire plant is healthy and green except the tallest branch.





Have u had a weather change or r they in a new position , I moved mine and now they look drilled its amazing how much a slight change in sun can stuff em , but I'm new at this so just learning
I've had about five plants do that. Three died and I have two that look like they are going to make it, but they currently look like skeletons. My best guess was a broad mite infestation. If you haven't already done so, I'd quarantine the sick plants away from your healthy ones as a first step.
Looks like a bacterial spot/fungus on those leaves, good shot of it in the bottom pic. Have you had a lot of rain recently? I had several plants I almost lost that were in the ground out @ my mom's. Soil was pretty poor, but what got them was a bacterial spot looking very much like what you have, and my plants started dropping new leaves and the leafless branches would wither and die off. What spread it to other plants was the spores got thrown around by the overwatering my stepdad did on the garden. If you're getting a lot of rain, try spreading the plants farther apart if you can, otherwise use some sort of fungicide, making sure to remove any leaves that are spotted before doing so. Also, remove any dead leaves from the dirt so the infection can't become systemic, which sounds like that's what happened to the plants you lost. Once it gets into the root system, it's pretty tough to combat it, and the plant will usually not last long afterwards. Good luck!
Not to hi-jack, but what would cause a similar issue, new leaves browning and drying up but healthy older leaves dropping? Happening on all of my plants at two different locations with no changes in common.... One location gets rain and full sun, the other gets tap water and partial sun. Different bags of soil were used at each location, but all plants started this at the same time. Possible shock from unexpected wind damage and a rise in humidity? There is a typhoon coming, the rain starts smelling like salt water a week before the typhoon hits, could that be it?

It's not as severe as those pictured, more leaf drop than bud drop and it seems to be more towards the tops of the plants.