favorite New favorite beef jerky - reindeer-style

Well, a friend ask if I wanted half a kilo of dried reindeer meat. Its good natural but I made a small stack with the meat adding 1 fist crushed coriander seeds, some crushed peppercorn, some crushed kosher salt, 2 smoked ghost and 1 dried moruga. It packs a punch, but its the best jerky I ever EVER set my mouth to! MAN thats some good reindeer beef jerky with a sting
That sounds like my kind of jerky. Not too many Reindeer here in SoCal, unfortunately  :)
We do occasionally get Buffalo jerky and I know of a place that has Ostrich and Emu jerky. 
Making jerky is super fun and really easy actually.   That jerky sounds really good man,  wish I could try it!
haha yeah, poor Rudolph ;) 
But reindeer has a sweet, yet wild taste and more often than not, way more tender than beef. So the seasoning is working great with the flavor in the meat. The funniest part was grabbing a small bag and taking it to work. Allot of quiet and red faces with eyes running hahahaha