New Dragon Breath Pepper?

So these arrived a couple of days ago. It is a bit of a late start, but should be interesting!
My dragons breath seeds from Chili Bob popped up just fine.  Fair germination rate.  But they seemed to hate metal halide.  I moved them to the hps side but they didn't purk up.  Moved them next to normal white light florescent (old school) and they really picked up.  Cant imagine hps and mh urking them much, maybe it was the intensity.  No clue, other peppers doing fine in the same spots.
Tasted like dried raisins... I like raisins.... So maybe the hype trns out to be wrong, I'll still have something tasty.  See, you can win with new strains.
Was really just trying to see if they were gonna be something different or what the pics on the net and stories say they were, just put them in a cup of soil and put em in the sun. They are growing really well and as far as seeds go doing as good as any out there. Maybe it will be what the hype is, if not, then a new strain as Aj, all good in my book.
Well guess that debate has been settled, oh well, no mater, still gonna grow em, leave the records and drama to the pepper fighters lol. 
BlackFatalii said:
"In Ed’s press release he states that his pepper is officially the hottest “unlike recent dubious ‘world’s hottest’ claims from other peppers”.
Oh, the irony...  :lol:
Oh, the poor grammatical press releases by these peppers claiming the other peppers making incorrect claims about peppers!
Funny thing is, one of those dubious claims was from Ed himself with good ol' Pepper X - what with it starting off mustard, then they announce that no, it isn't mustard, which is convenient because a lot of people were doubting that a mustard pepper could be as hot as he claimed, and then we wait for Guinness to announce it officially in November, here we are in April, and still no sign of Pepper X - The World's Hottest Pepper.
We still gonna grow them. Let the others deal with the politics of it all, growing PLENTY that aint "worlds hottest", grow reapers as well. Sell more Serranos and Habanerros anyway :)
ThatBlondGuy101 said:
Funny thing is, one of those dubious claims was from Ed himself with good ol' Pepper X - what with it starting off mustard, then they announce that no, it isn't mustard, which is convenient because a lot of people were doubting that a mustard pepper could be as hot as he claimed, and then we wait for Guinness to announce it officially in November, here we are in April, and still no sign of Pepper X - The World's Hottest Pepper.

Not even no sign. We have a new record on the Reaper in its place.
spicefreak said:
Not even no sign. We have a new record on the Reaper in its place.
Its what has got me really confused. Ed would have had to have lodged the attempt, or re-attempt or whatever you want to call it, either back before Pepper X got hyped or around then. So if he was really sending in the Pepper X to Guinness, as he said multiple times, then why on earth did he send in the Reaper as well??? I'm fairly certain that there was no "as well" - Pepper X was never submitted to Guinness. It was all just a marketing ploy, to get attention back to him and his business and his peppers. And it sure as hell has worked.