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health Need advice asap, black spots & wilting

Ok so my cousin has some olants growing at his house and recently about a week ago they developed black spots on the leaves then beagan to wilt and as of today this is how they look


Is it a disease?
Bacteria issue?
Or something else?
Theyre planted in the ground and as far as I know fish emulsion & thrive or strive whatever its called are the only ferts theyve seen.. nearly half his peppers have this and he has some unaffected as of now and tomato plants about 4ft away.
Any advice will be greatly appreciated!
Bacterial leaf spot is often brown with yellow fringing, and controlled with copper, daconil or serenade.
Charcoal / black colored spots can be something more serious, treatment is likely different too.
Any chance on posting a clear close-up picture for us?
Thanks for the help you guys ill go take some pics of them tomorrow and post them.
Hopefully with your help theyre saveable or at least contain it from the other peppers &his tomatoes.
He has serenade.. what would be the proper way to treat them if it is b.l.s?
If your getting lots of ran it could be black mold it will often start out as black spots on leaves in which case spray with liquid copper or liquid lime and sulfur. Either one will kill mold and mildew on plants along with stopping some diseases. Wilting could mean several other soil problems.