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Nasty brown "fungus" on Leaves....ideas?

Hey folks,

So my Kung Pao plant, which has quite a few pods, maybe 2/3 weeks away from being ripe, has developed a nasty little discoloration on some of its leaves. Other leaves are starting to head the same way. I have several other Kung Pao which look healthy, at the moment.

Can anyone suggest a remedy for this.... nutrients maybe, anything specific??


I haven't seen anything like it myself in person, might be bacterial leaf spot though, or some type of rust?
http://vegetablemdonline.ppath.cornell.edu/NewsArticles/PepperLeafSpot.htm for one site to look at.
http://www.google.com.au/search?hl=en&q=bacterial%20leaf%20spot for a general search if that one is no good.
Well rust is a bacteria anyway, all I know about it though is in grapevines, where the bacteria causing rust is relatively harmless.

I wouldn't take that chance on your chilli plant though, treat it as a bad bacteria, and removing leaves probably wouldn't help anyway. Isolate from the rest of the plants for a start, and maybe destroy if you have other plants of the same variety anyway.
Well rust is a bacteria anyway, all I know about it though is in grapevines, where the bacteria causing rust is relatively harmless.

I wouldn't take that chance on your chilli plant though, treat it as a bad bacteria, and removing leaves probably wouldn't help anyway. Isolate from the rest of the plants for a start, and maybe destroy if you have other plants of the same variety anyway.

Ok thanks. All my peppers are in pots, so I just went out and separated them a little more. Also trimmed off most of the really bad leaves, just to be safe. Just found my first ripe Kung Pao, munched it on the spot (after a little rinse under the hose), nice medium heat!!

This is getting fun, I hope it doesn't all turn to tears !
Keep it far away from your uninfected plants, and if another plants shows signs then isolate that one too. The wind can spread it to a certain extent.

Grab yourself some ortho disease b gone copper spray, or the concentrated version, then follow the directions on the bottle. Or you can pick up a copper/sulphur spray which treats both bacterial and fungal issues.

I've been battling bacterial issues going on three years now and copper based spray seems to keep it under control the most, unfortunately it took me three years to figure that out.

Good luck.

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Hmmm...it sure looks a lot like rust. I'm wondering if I should prune off the infected leaves??

Looks like RUST to me.

Very contagious, it jumps from leave to leave, plant to plant. I suggest to pinch off the infected leaves and trash them, and isolate ur infected plants. Do not water after sun down or directly on leaves anymore, water at the chunk or directly on soil. Rust is a type of fungus, you can buy orangnic fungus spray and use at half str. Rust Damaging ur leaves from under the leaves the top, so spray upward is more important then spray downward. Water ur plant only if soil surface looks dry. Rust loves moist temp or environment.

Rust spread very fast in moist environment and wet. Just remember that. Oh yeah keep ur plants in sun Is a good way to fight rust.

Hope this help.