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Name this pepper

I received seeds for this plant last year from outside of a store in Santa Monica. They have come up and now are producing so I can post some pics...



Does anyone know what pepper this is. There are two different types that look the same until the mature, one is red the other is orange. They produce like crazy(up to 75 peppers at once on the plant that I got the seeds from last year), thick walled, sweet but hot. Bushy plant!

Any ideas?
Almost looks like the marble pepper that I am growing. I have three plants, one is round like it should be, the others have that same fat bullet shape as the one in the picture. Same leaf shape and growth pattern. Same branch pattern also. Thats my guess.
DaveinCoalinga said:
Almost looks like the marble pepper that I am growing.
Good guess, but after looking at the marbel pepper(via the wonderous info on the internet), I must say that it is not the marble pepper. The leaves are the same, the growth type is the same. The marble pepper grows(like a marble) and this is more bullet shapped(I know you mentioned this, but I'm just restating) and my plant only goes from green to red(for the first type of plant) and green to yellow(for the second type of plant), where as the marble pepper goes from greeen to yellow to orange to red all on the same plant.

But that marble pepper sure looks fun, is it hot? Where can I get seeds(wouldn't mind some fresh seeds thu...hint hint...)
Give me about a month for these to be ready and you will have some in the mail. They are nice and warm, not really all that hot to me. I grow them in a whiskey keg outide my front door along with black pearls for the ornamental value.
Hey Cow Killer,
I can send you some dried pods of the marble, the seeds should be viable.
I liked the taste at the time don't remember why, but kept them because of it.
Oh yeah one more thing, I have some regular pods and some from a row that did not match the rest of the plants, they matured to a purple instead of red and deffently marble but diff. colors.
Let me know if you want some.
