overwintering My wintertime houseplant pets

Basically, this is just an early germination test gone bad but confirmed randyp's magnificent pods are full of very fertile seeds. The worst rate on three types was 5 out of 6.
I think I'll probably be replanting these in 7" pots long before it's officially time for outdoor pot planting. In another experiment, I'm thinking I'll keep the pots in old coolers for frost protection and open them up during the day so they can get the sun.
The biggest ones are his Yellow Naga Brain Strain. I started the germination on those seeds a month ago tonight. So it looks like my plant pets this year are 4 YNBS, 3 of his 7 Pot Douglah and 2 of his baseball size Trinidad Scorpion.
Not sure what the growing chamber is called. A renter left it behind about 20 years ago and I just put it away in a barn. I cleaned it up last year and brought it in the house to overwinter my cardi scorpion and two reapers as well as start three baby scorpions. This hex shaped contraption has three U shaped fluorescent lights, mirror paneled slide up walls and is 38" tall. It did a pretty good job for me last year. Not a bad thing to have in the house in wintertime since it puts out a little heat. The lights are on 16 hours a day.
Thanks hogleg. Yep, that's what it is. I did a search and found a utube video. Looks like this is the small one. Starts at $499? Dayumm.
Nice find! Free stuff is the best, especially when it's these kind of gems. Though I believe mirrors have fallen out of favor with indoor growers, as they don't diffuse light like 'rough' surfaces.do. Mirrors reflect light at an angle that matches the angle of incidence. And mirror imperfections could lead to burn spots, though with fluorescent tubes I doubt that's of any concern to you. That's why now people mostly prefer rough white surfaces (like white latex paint) or textured aluminium over mirrors.
DWB said:
Basically, this is just an early germination test gone bad but confirmed randyp's magnificent pods are full of very fertile seeds. The worst rate on three types was 5 out of 6.
I think I'll probably be replanting these in 7" pots long before it's officially time for outdoor pot planting. In another experiment, I'm thinking I'll keep the pots in old coolers for frost protection and open them up during the day so they can get the sun.
The biggest ones are his Yellow Naga Brain Strain. I started the germination on those seeds a month ago tonight. So it looks like my plant pets this year are 4 YNBS, 3 of his 7 Pot Douglah and 2 of his baseball size Trinidad Scorpion.
Not sure what the growing chamber is called. A renter left it behind about 20 years ago and I just put it away in a barn. I cleaned it up last year and brought it in the house to overwinter my cardi scorpion and two reapers as well as start three baby scorpions. This hex shaped contraption has three U shaped fluorescent lights, mirror paneled slide up walls and is 38" tall. It did a pretty good job for me last year. Not a bad thing to have in the house in wintertime since it puts out a little heat. The lights are on 16 hours a day.

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I guess it's getting about time to start putting these in 7" pots and moving them outside. Then I can get a few more varieties started. That JUR-Z-Devil sent me some really nice and rare seeds so I need to get some going and growing.
Now that I have my overwinter plants trimmed back, I have plenty of room in the hillbilly winter shelter where I've learned to keep my plants above 50° F all the time. These babies are doing well inside with 12 hours of light so I imagine they'll do just fine outside where they'll get full sun right in the face all day after 10:30 AM
hogleg said:
The contraption looks like an oldschool "Phototron" to me.  :cool:
lol ! Thats exactly it , I had one back in the day , I met the dude who created it , up by rosemont , illinois . got a tour of his lab , he had about 40 of hem set up growing different veggies in them . It was designed as a root to shoot system , guaranteed 6 females continued harvest  , you supplied him a little sample of the grow med. he did the analysis and sent back the nutrients required . had lots of little accessories , a reflective garland that you would lay around the base of the plants . ooh yeah ! it was cool ,  cost me around 700 withaccesseries 31 yrs. ago . He studied in alaska . you can read about it . 
As I mentioned in January, I did some trading with Jur-Z-Devil (devilpods.com) and got some really cool stuff to grow. I ended up growing a lot more than I wanted but such is life. I'll have about 35 pots this year plus I still have to pot up three old clones I cut off my overwinters last November.
Here's what my devil plants looked like a month ago. I kicked them out of the house a while back and have upgraded some of the pots. Some sweet plants coming now.
Edit: Come to find out, once I pulled the clone cuttings out of the pitcher and started separating them, I counted up five good stems with huge roots  and they're all doing great. I have three potted up and two to go.
I also confirmed this pepper project is out of control. I'll have 40 pots this year. Up from 6 lart year and 3 the year before.. plus I pre-ordered a mature mutant candlelight from devilpods. I think that will be a house plant. They're so weird. Can't wait to get that thing.
