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overwintering My plants are budding/flowering 2 weeks before winter?

I thought id get a head start & get my plants going in Autumn, here where i am its not that harsh a winter & pretty short as well.

My plants are all inside for the winter months ahead, and even though its getting cooler the temps inside the tent are still nice & cosy,
there lies my problem (well is it a problem?)

This morning i noticed my young plants are budding already, they are only small still but have decided to flower, my question is what do i do? leave them to do there thing?



Even my Black Prince tomatoes have started flowering.


My firecracker chilli`s have been flowering & producing chilli`s.



People who live in real cold climates probably wont be able to help with my questions, but im guessing there are people who live in a more gentle winter region may be able to.

I know they are perennial`s but im new to this neck of the woods & growing here is very different,
anyone know what i should expect? leave them be or cut them back?

I was only trying to get my plants going so come spring (14wks time) i would have some half established plants, i was not expecting them to flower before winter.

Thanks in advance for any help,

Your marquee is just a magic place, Meez!
Your marquee is just a magic place, Meez!

Haaa, yes isn't it just, but i originate from Pomgolia (UK) originally & nothing grows in winter, so im unsure what to do here? Im pretty certain the plant will go through its winter/summer cycle but do i have to do anything? or just let it do its thing?

My Bhut`s (6,7,8 & 9) are stunted in there growth but are putting pods out galore. i never expected that either.

The plants are just throwing what they can out before the onset of winter (no matter what size they are) and fingers crossed they will do there stuff & then in spring continue to grow in height (i think) or do i need to chop them back?


Wish I could help, my man. If your temps aren't too cool in the winter,
that grow hut may be enough to let them go through a flowering cycle.
Maybe try an experiment with a few plants?
Whats so wrong with them producing pods in the winter? I overwinter my plants indoors next to a window and get a few sparse pods throughout the winter. As long as they don't freeze the plants will want to keep cranking out pods. As an added bonus, pod production will slow your vegetative growth, so you won't overgrow your wintering area