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smoking My first smoke

apple chips with kingsford
minion in uds

pork butt and rack of spare ribs
rubbed 2am
butt on smoker at 10am

ribs on smoker at 12:00pm
foiled at 2:30 pm


temp was good at first

now running a bit hot <,<

about 2 hours to go.
I'll defer to the more seasoned smokers, but in case they don't come in during your cook ... I think the ribs can probably handle 275F just fine ...
I think you'll be stoked w/ the final result, even if your temps get a little whacky for a bit.
I'm doing my next brisket at 325F, for instance, I think ...
I saw conflicting posts recently, one said the temp at the grate was higher than the dome, the other said the opposite ...
I guess it probably depends on a lot of things - vent openness, diffuser, etc ...
Can't wait to see the results ...
I smoked the same exact thing yesterday and planned on posting pics tomorrow. Ribs and butt came out great. I had the opposite problem instead of it being too hot I was having a hard time keeping it hot enough cause it was cool here. Yours are looking good so far I'm sure they'll turnout great.
grantmichaels said:
I'll defer to the more seasoned smokers, but in case they don't come in during your cook ... I think the ribs can probably handle 275F just fine ...
I think you'll be stoked w/ the final result, even if your temps get a little whacky for a bit.
yeah i'm not too worried, amazingribs always talks about doing it a little higher and faster anyway.
Looks good to me!
The bark turned a little charred, you can soften it back with some sauce and chow down. :)
Welcome to a whole new world of awesome fun brother!
You're first cook looks awesome. Time to start planning the next one!