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My First Fatalii Concentrate

Last year I bought some purees from AJ and the Fatalii was something I knew I had to learn how to make. I used his simple recipe of adding Fataliis, sea salt, vinegar, and agave. So far, I have not bought a pressure canner and figured I could cook it down well, use vinegar, and sterilize by boiling the bottles. These bottles will only last a month or two at most, so I am not too concerned about not using pressure canner. I took my first real harvest of Fataliis (1 lb.), popped the stems, and added them to the blender with the other ingredients. I then pulsed and chopped them for a few minutes. Instead of cooking them inside and fumigating the family, I used my backpacking stove and cookware in the back yard. I boiled and stirred the goodness for 15 minutes or so. I lost time because I was busy inhaling as much as the fumes as possible.
I used a probe thermometer and it showed the heat at the 209 F level for most of the time. Anyway, when I figured the cooking was done (all just a guess for me) I put the sauce back in the blender and let it rip for a few more minutes. Of course, I took in a few more fumes and poured it into 3 woozy bottles. I had the equivalent of another halve bottle, but I didn't bother, it was gone by the end of the day. It came out wonderful! Next batch I make I will add less salt and some garlic cloves. It did happen. Here's the proof.

Purees and concentrates to me are just good hot sauces that showcase the pepper and not other ingredients. I know AJ makes purees but really they are just good hot sauces. If you want pepper flavor and not fruit or spices it's the way to go. Too many people trying to be creative and ruining the experience. KISS. WIN!
I think there is a difference in consistency too though THP. Puree is just peppers, vinegar, and salt true, but its also not blended nearly as smooth as a sauce. At least mine isn't.
Tastes like sauce to me. Many sauces are peppers, vinegar, salt, and AJ's, to me, are sauces, and great ones.
I use purees like a sauce. I made 3 bottles of Caribbean Red Hab/Red Fatalii puree today and just had some on tacos. I don't think a sauce can be better. Just have to watch out on how much you use cause I am on fire!
Extra kudo's on the cook stove. The peppers and puree/sauce look beautiful! You honor AJ well.

Thanks TB. I think I enjoy the beauty of these peppers almost as much as I do the burn and taste. I found out early about AJ's quality and consider him to be my "superhot mentor."

Also, I am not a big fan of vinegar. I learned from AJ and this experience that the intense flavor of the peppers (and maybe a little help from the agave) make the vinegar almost unnoticeable.